Drupalcon Boston 2008 - sql server http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/taxonomy/term/146/0 en Adams 12 Five Star Schools District http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/showcase/adams-12-five-star-schools-district-web-site <p>The Adams 12 Five Star School district is located in Thornton, CO - just outside of Denver. Our <a href="http://www.adams12.org" target="_blank">recently redesigned district Web site</a> is powered by Drupal 5 and serves 40,000 K-12 students and 5,000 staff members in over 50 schools. The site is integrated into our Active Directory, allowing staff to log in and update their respective sections of the site. </p> <p>Our site also serves as a proof-of-concept for how Drupal can run on alternative databases (not MySQL or PostgreSQL) - we successfully added Microsoft&#8217;s SQL Server 2000 to Drupal 5&#8217;s abstraction layer. Some of the modules we were able to adapt to work with SQL Server include: views, ldap integration, CCK, webforms, i18n, nice menus, ldap auth, simplenews, IMCE, TinyMCE and sliced menu.</p> <p>Other features of our site:</p> <ul> <li>bilingual support (currently translating our pages)</li> <li>100% CSS based</li> <li>100% SQL Server 2000 support</li> </ul> <p>Thank you for considering our site and please don&#8217;t hesitate to provide your feedback!</p> http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/showcase/adams-12-five-star-schools-district-web-site#comments education iis k-12 non-profit sql server windows Mon, 18 Feb 2008 03:41:16 +0000 pcorbett 1154 at http://boston2008.drupalcon.org