Drupalcon Boston 2008 - harvard http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/taxonomy/term/28/0 en Center for Middle Eastern Studies http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/showcase/center-middle-eastern-studies <p>Redfin built a completely new site for Harvard&#8217;s Center for Middle Eastern Studies program (CMES). It has a resource scheduler, calendar of events, extensively utilizes views, and we are currently working on a member profile/search for members of the community. It has some slightly different themes based on which section of the CMES you are concerned with (their academic programs, their newsletter, or their community outreach center).</p> http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/showcase/center-middle-eastern-studies#comments CMES harvard redfin Mon, 11 Feb 2008 18:29:47 +0000 cwells 891 at http://boston2008.drupalcon.org The Citizen Media Law Project http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/showcase/citizen-media-law-project <p>The Citizen Media Law Project is a place where citizen journalists (like bloggers) can begin to research the dark and scary world of the law as it relates to them. In particularly, Redfin worked to get two main aspects of the site off and running. The legal threats database is a collection of CCK nodes, each of which documents a distinct legal threat (i.e. a DMCA takedown notice, a threat to sue, etc) made against a citizen journalist. A citizen journalist can browse or search the threats for one which might have similarities to the one they might be in.</p> <p>The Legal Guide is intended to provide basic information regarding the laws that relate to citizen journalists (i.e. &#8220;What is defamation, and can I be sued for it?&#8221;). Each state in the U.S. will have its own section on how the general law changes from state to state.</p> http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/showcase/citizen-media-law-project#comments citizen media CMLP harvard redfin Mon, 11 Feb 2008 18:24:54 +0000 cwells 890 at http://boston2008.drupalcon.org