Drupalcon Boston 2008 - General http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/taxonomy/term/4/0 Not sure where to post something? You can put it here and we will find your post a home! en Drupalcon Boston 2008 Logo Source File http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/drupalcon-boston-2008-logo-source-file <p>In the spirit of openness, here is the original source file for the Drupalcon Boston 2008 logo by Justin Poole of Acro Media, Inc. </p> <p>The file is an encapsulated PostScript file. To use the file, download and then remove the txt extension.</p> http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/drupalcon-boston-2008-logo-source-file#comments General Thu, 31 Jan 2008 03:18:33 +0000 jwhatcott 621 at http://boston2008.drupalcon.org Mozilla Firefox , Portable http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/mozilla-firefox-2006-portable <p>Mozilla Firefox , Portable </p> <p>download<br /> http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?groupname=portablefirefox&amp;filename=Firefox<em>Portable</em><em>en-us.paf.exe&amp;use</em>mirror=switch</p> <p><a href="http://video.f1f7.net/">يوتيوب</a></p> http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/mozilla-firefox-2006-portable#comments General Sat, 04 Oct 2008 13:56:51 +0000 no-name 1688 at http://boston2008.drupalcon.org seo contest 2008 http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/seo-contest-2008 <p>seo contest 2008 optimization on the world on <a href="http://www.seodrive.ru/forum2/" title="http://www.seodrive.ru/forum2/">http://www.seodrive.ru/forum2/</a></p> http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/seo-contest-2008#comments General Thu, 07 Aug 2008 11:09:45 +0000 seocontest200xrussia 1682 at http://boston2008.drupalcon.org Videos from Drupalcon Boston? http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/videos-drupalcon-boston <p>Hello,</p> <p>Not to be pushy, but is there any word or estimation of time remaining before some more of the Drupalcon Boston session videos will be available? I found myself not taking quite as thorough notes at times expecting there to be videos available soon and now I&#8217;m wondering if that is something I&#8217;m going to regret&#8230; :-/</p> <p>Thanks for any information,<br /> -Andy.</p> http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/videos-drupalcon-boston#comments General Wed, 16 Apr 2008 14:13:01 +0000 dccircuit 1671 at http://boston2008.drupalcon.org Aramark Dollars Exchange? http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/aramark-dollars-exchange <p>I was wondering if the event organizers can take back these leftover food vouchers we got at the conference? I was about to throw mine away but realized that they probably paid for them already and maybe can get some money back.</p> <p>If so it might be worth an announcement about where to send them.</p> <p>Thanks for the great conference!<br /> Colin</p> http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/aramark-dollars-exchange#comments General Tue, 11 Mar 2008 20:59:44 +0000 sagannotcarl 1667 at http://boston2008.drupalcon.org What's the name of song that played during plenary slideshow? http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/name-song-played-during-plenary-slideshow <p>Does anyone know the name of the song played during the plenary slideshow? I really liked it and want to get a copy.</p> <p>Thanks.</p> http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/name-song-played-during-plenary-slideshow#comments General Sun, 09 Mar 2008 15:05:07 +0000 okeedoak 1664 at http://boston2008.drupalcon.org Classifieds http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/classifieds <p>I don&#8217;t see a different place to post &#8220;looking for someone who&#8221; sort of messages, so I&#8217;ll try this route. If someone DOES know of a better method, and they are a Drupalcon Admin, they have my blessing to delete this topic and redirect me.</p> http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/classifieds#comments General Wed, 05 Mar 2008 17:55:40 +0000 bmoreinis 1656 at http://boston2008.drupalcon.org How Can We Make the Next Drupalcon Better? http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/how-can-we-make-next-drupalcon-better <p>I thought we could use this thread to post any feedback/ideas for making the next Drupalcon even better!</p> <p>I&#8217;ll start off the discussion with this point:</p> <p>AUDIO ISSUES - All the presenters are wearing lavaliere mics. What I noticed is that they tend to look to the side toward one of the big screens quit often. This makes them very hard to understand. I think the audio would be much better with <strong>HEADSET MICS FOR THE PRESENTERS.</strong></p> http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/how-can-we-make-next-drupalcon-better#comments General Tue, 04 Mar 2008 11:52:04 +0000 tvalleav10 1652 at http://boston2008.drupalcon.org I've Posted an audio recording of the "Presenting Acquia" Session http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/ive-posted-audio-recording-presenting-acquia-session <p>I missed the first two mintues. But the rest is there.<br /> <a href="http://sgluskin.podomatic.com/" title="http://sgluskin.podomatic.com/">http://sgluskin.podomatic.com/</a></p> <p>I got some stills as well:<br /> <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/sgluskin/sets/72157604041412955/" title="http://flickr.com/photos/sgluskin/sets/72157604041412955/">http://flickr.com/photos/sgluskin/sets/72157604041412955/</a></p> <p>I really loved the seemless back and forth between Jay and Dries. They really do seem to be on the same page.</p> <p>Shai</p> http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/ive-posted-audio-recording-presenting-acquia-session#comments General Tue, 04 Mar 2008 01:41:15 +0000 Shai 1650 at http://boston2008.drupalcon.org I've Uploaded Dries' Keynote (audio and stills) http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/ive-uploaded-dries-keynote-audio-and-stills <p>Hey gang,</p> <p>I&#8217;ve uploaded an <a href="http://sgluskin.podomatic.com/">audio of Dries keynote.</a></p> <p>I&#8217;ve also uploaded <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/sgluskin/sets/72157604036546908/">still pics</a>.</p> <p>Shai</p> http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/ive-uploaded-dries-keynote-audio-and-stills#comments General Tue, 04 Mar 2008 00:21:22 +0000 Shai 1648 at http://boston2008.drupalcon.org