Bryan Ollendyke
Platinum and gold sponsors

* B.S. - Information, Sciences & Technology - Penn State (2006)
* M.S. candidate - Information, Sciences & Technology - Penn State (present)
* Instructional Technologist - e-Learning Institute, Penn State (present)
Work Background:
* Drupal programmer past 3 years
* Work in theme and module creation to support course / website building
* Worked on multiple modules internal to Penn State including:
— instantmessaging - Manage buddy lists, see who’s on AIM local to site
— 5starajax - dev work done before release of official 5 star module
— assignment studio - manages submission and grading of student assignments
— coursemanager - multi-site installation manager to manage course access and infrastructure
— coursedesigner - drag and drop helper to books module to allow rapid course / course outline generation
— courselayout - manage block / navigation generation, helper to coursedesigner
— ELMS2.0 - educational packaging of previous 4 functions refined with interface improvements. currently in development, presentation topic…
Hopes for the conference:
My job at Penn State is more or less to build a system powered by Drupal to help my department create, manage and deploy our courses. ELMS - E-learning Management System is currently being used in its V1.0 form to roll out 6 courses in our department and 6 others in another. ELMS is an attempt to not only make course design easy for educators and instructional designers, but also to allow for Drupal site generation as a whole to be easier.
My real hope from the conference is that others find this work (and work on dev ELMS2.0) interesting and can help point me in the right direction so that I can code towards not only where Drupal is currently, but where it is going. ELMS2 is aiming towards D6 (hopefully D5 too) compatibility. Long term it is hoped that this project can go open source so that all in the community can benefit.