Cary Gordon
Platinum and gold sponsors

After an eternity slaving in the bowels of the live and filmed entertainment galleons, I jumped ship a bit over ten years ago and turned my part time consultancy into a full and a half time systems integration and development company — The Cherry Hill Company. While we do a bit of everything, our focus in libraries and library systems as well as Internet infrastructure related organizations.
While I started school as a physics/EE dual major, I wound up with a masters in library science, which is good, since I am a textbook compulsive autodidact.
I live with my wife (a psychoanalyst), my dog (the laid back member of the family and official role model), two motorcycles and two bicycles.
Oor big family outing (sans dog) is the 550 mile AIDS/Lifecycle bicycleride from northern to southern California each June. This event raises millions for AIDS and HIV+ services in Los Angeles and San Francisco. You can find out more about the ride (and even donate, if you like) here.