Christopher Pelham
Platinum and gold sponsors

I am a co-founder & Director of CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing). The marriage of these two roles and organizations have miraculously wedded the two enduring interests of my life, healing & art. Actually, I now see them as having one and the same purpose, to raise the level of consciousness of the participants, audience and community, and to be accomplished in largely the same way: by remembering one’s true spiritual self, by allowing one’s self to be guided by one’s inner teacher, and by sharing the resulting message via one’s unique gifts. As part of my responsibilities at CRS & Dharma Road, I curate and produce a performance series of emerging and established, avant-garde and international movement artists. Since I began producing in 1997, I have had the privilege of presenting dozens and dozens of wonderful artists from all over the world.
In January of 2007, I re-launched the CRS web site based on Drupal and a phptemplate-based theme of my own design. I continue to maintain and expand the capabilities of the site and to learn as much as I can about Drupal and php coding with the intention of contributing ideas and code to the Drupal and open-source community.
From a young age, I immersed myself in the study of various Utopian and Marxist texts and philosophies. While attending Harvard Summer School in 1986, I took a class in “Revolution & Society” and participated in various public participatory art projects in Harvard Square led by artist/writer/computer scientist Richard Gardner, who had lived for a time at the art commune outside Vienna founded by Actionist artist Otto Muehl. These two experiences and my later residency during my undergraduate years at Duke University in Epworth/SHARE (Student Housing for Academic and Residential Experimentation) fostered my commitment to the exploration and development of creative communities.
Intermittently immersed in the computer world since 1981, including stints as an online producer for Barnes & Noble’s AOL site and for, it is really only with the discovery of Drupal and the dynamic online community building that it can enable that I have felt at home and fulfilled in devoting time to my computer skills and interests. Finally! Go Drupal!