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Conference guide

Platinum and gold sponsors

Final draft of the program guide.

IMPORTANT UPDATE 1:45PM EST FEBR 21: Sooz spoke to Monique on the phone. She’s doing another round of QUICK edits.

(Sooz culled emails for the rest of the edits. See the edits doc below.)

  • Cover says job fair is 3-5pm, it’s 4:15-6pm. For consistency, it should be called the Business & Job Fair, right? (not just job fair)

  • Not sure the word breaks at end of lines on the welcome letter. (en-thusiasts, Commu-nity, etc.). Use block justify? Remove the tabbed indent, too?

  • remove blue colored hyperlinks on URLs

  • replace floor plan layout (see attachment)

  • PAGE 6 schedule at a glance …

7:30-11pm : Acquia sponsored conference social at FELT BOSTON with special Lullabot sponsored performance by Orbit (This is a 21+ event due to nightclub restrictions in Massachusetts.)

change to:

7:30-11pm : Acquia sponsored conference social at FELT BOSTON with special Lullabot sponsored performance by Orbit. Complimentary drink ticket, free food, billiards and Wii. (This is a 21+ event due to nightclub restrictions in

  • PAGE 7: Industry Networking Events - bold each networking event title

  • ADD page(s) titled “Conference Tracks” using content on this wiki page:

  • front page: Isn’t it “Drupalcon Boston 2008” not “Drupalcon 2008”?

  • Google’s ad looks fuzzy (page 18).

  • Page 22: If possible, put a little whitespace between all the logos.

  • there is a line break missing before the Knight Foundation job listing. I think the Job listings could be spiced up with more prominent headers for each listing but thats so minor.

drupalcon_BCEC_level2.pdf1.14 MB
drupalcon_programguide_editsv1.doc61.5 KB
NEW CONTENT TO ADD: Conference Tracks v234 KB
2008-02-20 Program Guide.pdf1.56 MB
2008-02-21 Program Guide.pdf2.38 MB