Djun Kim
Platinum and gold sponsors

Djun’s interests extend from open-source software tools to agile project management methodologies, from computational linguistics to discrete mathematics, from theoretical issues of language design to the practical realities of delivering high quality, high value solutions.
Djun wrote his first program (at the age of nine) in the early 1970s on a PDP-8 machine running one of the first several dozen UNIX systems in existence. He studied Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of British Columbia and at U.C. Berkeley. He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from UBC in 1999. Djun has been a Drupal developer since 2004.
Since last August, Djun has been living with his sweetheart Pamela on Vancouver Island, surrounded by tall trees and various forms of wildlife including two cats and a dog named Dylan, who narrowly escaped being called ‘exec’ (because he gets called but never returns). Dylan has Pamela to thank for that, and Djun has Pamela to thank for most everything else.