Ian Rhett
Platinum and gold sponsors

Ian is the “Resource Advocate” and Scheduler for CivicActions. He also serves on the management team and is responsible for Talent Development (recruiting), resource allocation and process development.
He started his career in interactive work in 1993 working on Time Warner’s Orlando-based Interactive TV project. He’s been an advisor or consultant to the GRAMMY’s, The Emmy’s, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures International, Microsoft, Apple Computer, Sun Microsystems, the Department of Education and has served as Executive Producer for two Omnicom agencies - Razorfish LA and Doremus SF. He innovated webcasting technologies and techniques at Apple Computer and was the Online Director for the first-ever New York Music Festival in the Summer of 95. He is an Eagle Scout, a Master of Ceremonies and a community leader.
In addition to his background as an internet professional services manager, Ian is also a performing singer-songwriter, focused on “Cause-related music” - combining the poignant impact of a purposeful song with the viral reach and engaging interactivity of the web to create music projects that move, touch, serve and inspire. Check it: http://www.ianrhett.com