John Barclay
Platinum and gold sponsors

I Jumped into Drupal on a project several months ago and its turned out quite well and have a few more Drupal projects in the works. I’ve done a fair amount of PHP website development but am coming away from a ASP and ASP.NET background. I’ve built my own CMS and “Form Management” systems and am glad to have that behind me and have the Drupal ahead.
At the conference, I’m looking forward to the human face of Drupal; learning about Drupal away from books, podcasts, drupal docs, and screencasts; and getting out of town for a change.
Up for sharing a room as I don’t expect to be at the hotel much, don’t snore, and am cheap. Willing to donate my half of a room to a Drupal Contributor in need. I’m staying at the Marriot Courtyard South as some other Drupalers are: Thread on hotel