Katherine Senzee
Platinum and gold sponsors

Katherine Senzee is the owner and principal partner of E-Squared Workshops. For content-driven sites, Katherine’s weapon of choice is Drupal. HTMLarea + SimpleMenu + Views + Panels = happy clients.
Katherine loves open source because she’s passionate about doing things the right way. She learned the ropes of print production at her dad’s knee in his Seattle-area print shop, where she found out what it takes to make an idea into a finished product. She was working at the shop as a desktop publisher before she was out of junior high. In college, she set her sights on new digital technologies, including the basics like HTML, CSS, and PHP as well as trendier stuff like Ruby on Rails and Ajax. She jumped on the Drupal bandwagon just before the 5.0 release and is enjoying the ride.
Katherine has worked extensively in both the government contractor and association communities in Washington, DC. She is known for her quality work and ability to deliver efficiently. She is also one of the few people in the whole universe who can make Microsoft Word do exactly what she wants it to do. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Spanish Translation and a master’s in French Studies, both from Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.