SPECIAL BoF SESSION - Small giants: building high quality Drupal businesses
Platinum and gold sponsors

This panel will feature representatives from a variety of Drupal firms who will talk about how they’ve leveraged Drupal into a successful business model.
Business and Marketing
* Services: what each firm offers (consulting, architecture, development, theming, training, support, hosting) and why
* Collaboration: what works and what doesn’t
* Building the best teams: virtual teams vs on-site employees; freelance vs co-op vs full time; training and benefits
* Selling open source: convincing prospective clients to embrace Drupal
* Giving back: how each company supports a strong Drupal community
While there is no one right way to start or run a business, there are definitely common pitfalls and challenges no matter how you do it. Come and hear the panelists swap hard-earned tips and tricks from the trenches.