Dogs Dig Drupal - A social network for dogs powered by drupal
Platinum and gold sponsors

A introduction to how used drupal to power it’s map oriented canine social network.
A glimpse on how google maps and services based flash integration deliver the wow (and bow wow) effect for the client.
Marketing and Business - Case Studies
- Overview - project goals and description
- Phase #1
- (fago style) social network
- gmap integration
- basic google based geocoding
- jquery based breedbrowser
- Phase #2
- Services based flash integration - exposing drupal to flash.
- maxmind commercial geocoding from zipcode 2 map
- Static import using purchased db’s.
- Dynamic import using RSS & Leach
- Conclusion and community praise (hail mighty bdragon!)
For people that have not entered the Flash/Flex/Services party or would like to see YADPM (Yet Another Drupal Powered Mashup) - the presentation will give an idea of what can be achieved using slick flash UI and the mighty drupal as a backend that powers the site and glues the various technologies together.
The presentation will also introduce google maps integration and how to use geocoding to derive additional information.