Drupal Multimedia
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Drupal is the quiet revolution behind the scenes of the Internet. Multimedia is the storm front, as the Internet takes its place among the more traditional forms of media: print, movies, audio. It even threatens the place of television as the medium of choice for many people.
It is natural as the technology changes that people creating web sites want more capability. They can scarcely keep up with the demands of users, who with their broadband and monster computers, expect more from their Internet experience than the static pages of the 90’s.
This session will show you how to bridge the gap between Drupal and multimedia. Drupal is cutting edge. Though support for multimedia out of the box is currently spotty, with a few contributed modules and some minor expertise, it can be used to create anything from a classy personal photo gallery to a hip music & video blog to a mega-corporate gaming and multimedia heaven.
This session will guide you through the steps necessary to build image, video, and audio into your sites. By the end, you should have a basic introduction to understanding the available tools and techniques related to multimedia.
This session is geared towards administrators and editors, and does not require more than a basic understanding of Drupal. You do not need to know how to code or theme, although you may learn new techniques even if you are experienced with creating Multimedia content with Drupal.
About the Presenters
Aaron Winborn is a developer with Advomatic. He has worked with several multimedia-rich sites, for clients such as the New York Observer, Air America Radio, and Viacom. Under the Drupal username of aaron, he has contributed several multimedia-related modules to the community, such as Embedded Media Field (for embedding third-party multimedia as a node field), Views Slideshow (to turn any content, not just images, into a slideshow), and Magnifier (an image zoom built with a Jquery plugin). He is currently writing Drupal Multimedia with Packt Publishing, due to be published later this year.
James Walker, with Lullabot, is a contributor and maintainer of many core and essential modules, such as the Image and Gallery modules. The community ambassador for the Drupal Association, he has been involved with Drupal since 2002, better known as Walkah.
Darrel O’Pry, a member of Eighty Elements, a Vancouver based interactive media startup that specializes in integrating Flash, Flex, and Drupal, has been involved in the Drupal community for nearly three years. He is a contributor and maintainer of several essential multimedia modules, such as ImageField, FileField, and ImageCache, with the username of dopry.