Drupal for Museums
Platinum and gold sponsors
This session will be a case study and lessons learned from two museum web sites Palantir has built using Druapl 5: The Indianapolis Museum of Art and the Art Institute of Chicago. Museum web sites, especially art museums, offer a number of unique challenges but also the opportunity to share amazing and diverse content.
This session will be sort of half site-building and half marketing and business. Museums pose a number of unique challenges both business and technical, both of which we intend to address.
* Bringing Drupal into a large, established web presence
* Designing a modern site that still has a strong artistic feel
* Bridging Drupal to legacy multimedia databases, such as museum collection databases
* Existing open source museum tools
We hope to present both the challenges and rewards of integrating Drupal with large, established databases of museum content in as part of a larger corporate web presence.
Indianapolis Museum of Art: http://imamuseum.org/
Art Institute of Chicago Collections: http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/
IMA Drupal.org Showcase: http://drupal.org/node/188312