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Introducing Authenticate Module: online Plagiarism checker

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liquidcms - Tue, 02/05/2008 - 4:05pm
Peter Lindstrom
design and user experience
Session Description: 

Although this module is pretty cool on its own (searches the net to verify if content has been plagiarized), it also uses a few interesting module design aspects that module designers may find useful in their own modules.

From a module feature perspective the authenticate module authenticates node content by slicing it into 100’s of pieces, scouring the net to find matches to these small pieces and then doing full page content comparisons before finally coming up with a comparison score on how likely the content was to have been plagiarized.

From a module design view point it uses a couple concepts that may be useful to other module designers:

  • “forking” a long process via ajax
  • creating “pre-canned” actions

This will be a lecture-style session.

Module development was funded by (a NY Times Company) and presented by:

Peter Lindstrom
LiquidCMS - Content Management Solution Experts

site building

- demo of the module in action
- brief discussion of how the module works
- more detailed discussion on a couple of the key design features: forking a process through AJAX and pre-canned actions

This session should act as both a introduction to this module and, more importantly, to show off some lower level design features that module designers maybe find useful.

I’ll provide code printouts and will be proving a demo (so hopefully a screen i can plug my laptop into would be nice).

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