Lightning Talks
Platinum and gold sponsors
Following the tradition set at the last few Drupalcons, this will be a session consisting of 5 minute presentations happening every 7 minutes. Topics are wide open. Format wide open— update on your current work, present a question for discussion, present a theory, present a situation of interest, whatever.
Site building is the default track for this session but there is no reason why it could not fit into any other track or be “trackless”
* Burning questions
* Latest theories
* Upcoming events, development breakthroughs, hurdles
* All the above
* None of the above
* All depends on who steps forward…
There are always questions, ideas, rants, raves, theories, cutting-edge work, collaboration opportunities, unforeseen issues that are bubbling up from developers and users alike and do not fit neatly into an established one-topic session. This is a informally formal venue to share as such using a short-format format. The idea is to foment discussion, incite collaboration, and just plain inform those of us that want to know just what the community is thinking about and doing.
There is no required reading for this session. As presenters for individual 5-minute talks come forward with their topics, they will be posted. If background info is necessary, we’ll leave it to these presenters to let us know.