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Open Source in the Hood

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botchagalupe's picture
botchagalupe - Mon, 02/04/2008 - 3:22pm
John Willis
marketing and business
Session Description: 

A unique user experience setting up a Drupal site based on Amazon’s EC2 highlighting and cataloging open source education opportunities.

marketing and business

This presentation will focus on four distinct themes in open source.

  1. How the author installed and configured Drupal for the site. This will include a technical walk-through of how the stack was setup and how the specific CCK and VIEWS modules were implemented to create a unique taxonomy and rating system in the CMS.
  2. The author will also discuss how the opensourceinthehood site runs on Amazon’s Elastic Cloud (EC2) and point out some of the pitfalls of managing XEN based cloud utility images. The author will also discuss some of the other cloud alternatives.
  3. One of the primary aspects of the site is to catalog and rate open source (free) education.  The author has done an extensive amount of research on the available open source institutional and non-institutional education available.  The author will be discussing some of his completed open source courses from (Cal Berkley, and MIT).
  4. Last but certainly not least the presentation will hight light how open source education can be a guiding light to an open future for everyone. Open Source in the Hood is a project to help provide a clear path to opportunity via Open Source education, community involvement, and development.

Open Source in the Hood – Solving open problems one hood at a time.

The primary objective of this session is to open a discussion on how open source education can be a guiding light for all.

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