Popular, high traffic, and enterprise Drupal sites showcase
Platinum and gold sponsors

This session will take a look at popular, high traffic, and enterprise sites and companies that are built on Drupal and common reasons why Drupal was chosen. We will not go indepth into each one but more of a general overview.
If the individual/company who created a particular site are available we will have them describe some of the details and answer some questions about it. This should be an open discussion with everyone welcome to participate.
Please post comments with any sites you feel should be shown or would like to see. If you would like to co-present on this session, please let me know.
We’ll be adding functionality to this site to submit and vote on popular Drupal sites and run a contest during the event with prizes for the best sites. Stay tuned for more information…
Marketing and Business
Short presentation about Drupal, who is using it, and why they are using it.
Look at individual live sites and discuss them
QA/discussion to finish the session
The goal of this session is to explain why Drupal is a good choice for enterprise level sites and showcase the amazing, websites that professional design and development teams have created.