Scalable Theming: Theming for 100s of node types, CCK fields and views
Platinum and gold sponsors

Advanced theming tips, tricks and techniques for very large complex websites with many node types, CCK fields and views. This session is targeted to themers & developers wishing to learn how to manage complex theming requirements in a cost-saving, maintainable and scalable way.
Design & User Experience or Site Building?
- Who’s this ‘themer’ person anyway?
- Template.php
- Theme Function Overrides
- variables($hook, $vars) & prepocess_$hook($vars)
- AVOID complex code in tpl.php files
- AVOID tpl.php variations!
- Modules and Theming
- Zen Theme, Base Themes and Subthemes
- Theming CCK fields
- Theming Views
- Theming Forms
- Theming Layout
Themers and developers alike will be more confident about making modifications to the theme layer in large and complex sites in a way that won’t cause bugs, headaches and budget-breaks down the road.
You will need experience with CCK and the theming of nodes and views to be able to make the most of this session. No drupal 6 experience is expected.
Partially sponsored by CivicActions.