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ngiarratana - Mon, 02/04/2008 - 9:24am
Neil Giarratana, President of Lucidus Corporation
marketing and business
Session Description: 

Discover how to build a thriving web consulting business with a limited (or non-existent) marketing budget. Neil Giarratana, President of Lucidus Corporation, will reveal his marketing blueprints for building a web business from scratch and dramatically increasing revenue for existing businesses. In the last two years, Lucidus’ revenue (and profitability) grew 400% largely due to Open Source CMS (i.e. Drupal) implementations. In addition to discovering what worked and definitely did NOT work in the past twenty-four months, you’ll learn the top ten ways to build a Drupal business.

Marketing & Business

* The Five Business Principles Every Business Owner MUST Discover
* Finding Yourself - Discovering Your Brand
* The Role of Drupal (and Open Source in general) In Your Brand Message
* How to Deliver On Your Promise
* How to Close the Sale, Step-By-Step

To empower web entrepreneurs with specific, tangible steps they can take (without a big budget) to grow their business.

No required resources.

Average: 4.6 (7 votes)