Why Solaris, Glassfish, and Sun for Drupal?
Platinum and gold sponsors
This session examines how technologies from Sun Microsystems are relevant and valuable to Drupal. Lecture and interactive discussion.
Site Building
Learn how to use:
OpenSolaris - Take advantage of these security, reliability, and performance advantages of OpenSolaris:
* Solaris Zones for virtualization, system resource control, and simplified deployment
* Dtrace for finding the hamster wheels in your code and understanding the behavior of your Modules during execution
* ZFS for easy filesystem management - grow, migrate, and backup Drupal content storage quickly and easily with ZFS, while improving the end-to-end integrity of your data
* Service Management Facility for managing Drupal deployment dependencies, and quickly diagnosing configuration problems
* RBAC for fine grained administrator Role Based Access Control
Glassfish, the Open Source Java Application Container
*run Drupal in a Java for great performance and Java integration
WebStack, the AMP stack optimized for Solaris and Sun servers (X64 and UltraSPARC)
* for easy installation and great performance
A separate BoF will be organized to do some hands on with NetBeans, the Open Source IDE, demo’ing
* PHP plugin for efficient coding with code completion, syntax checking, and debugging
* CVS and Subversion integration
* for deployment automation
Developers and administrators will understand the benefits of these tools and technologies from Sun.