HarvardScience news site
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HarvardScience is a news site covering all of the scientific achievements and discoveries for all matters related to science at the various schools, departments, institutes, and hospitals of Harvard University.
The site combines news articles on hundreds of topics with photography, rich media, and video. The site also contains a directory of science at Harvard which provides background information on the thousands of researchers and organizations behind the stories.
HarvardScience is geared to the interested scientist as much as the general public and members of the media. The site’s rich media clips and photography provide content of general interest, while the links to related content are a gold mine of information for someone conducting research in the field.
Built on a small budget to handle a limited public relations role, the site’s rapid success has turned it into an important news channel for the innovation and research happening at Harvard. The actual volume of news stories in the site has turned out to be several multiples of what was originally expected, requiring a Page 2 with a spillover of the news stories on the home page.
HarvardScience is a publication of the Harvard Office of News and Public Affairs. It was developed jointly with studio:module, and Maureen Lyons provided her programming expertise for developing the site in Drupal.
Drupal Developer
Maureen Lyons
The site was design by studio:module of Miami, FL
Claudio Luis Vera, creative director
Alisha Haydn Vera, designer
Richard Roth, developer