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Machsomwatch is an established Israeli political organization which is made up of mainly mature (50+) women.
They create massive amounts of content which is fed into “daily reports” which are the by-products of physically traveling to the much discussed Israeli checkpoints and documenting the outcome of their “shift”.
By their physical presence they reduce the amount of violence or harm of human rights.
The challenge in this site was to take a very non technical organization and leapfrog them in to a web2 site featuring a google mashup letting you zoom in to the level of the lone checkpoint.
Movies housed and embedded from youtube, a massive flickr gallery which eventually took over the flickr embedding altogether.
The real pride here is the process the machsomwatch team have passed (I have one of the lead team members get adicted to pressing f5 and finding a fixed website - she tries it on other sites as well :) ).
The internal process and empowerment that was the result of the joint work on the site resulted on really cool situations (Imagine your grandma analyzing google analytics reports and having arguments regarding SEO with her fellow adult friends.
It’s a multi-lingual site (English and Hebrew) (using i18n) and is very interesting to read, look at pictures and learn about the Israeli occupation from a very personal and humane level.
Developed by (Known as Linnovate locally in Israel)