Ronald McDonald House of Austin
Platinum and gold sponsors

When a child becomes seriously ill or injured, the whole family suffers, particularly if the loved one must be hospitalized or receive out patient treatment far away from home for extended periods of time.
To be together, family members often sleep on uncomfortable cots or chairs, sleep in their cars, or bear the expense of a hotel room. At a time when they want all their strength available, the simple demands of everyday life can seem overwhelming.
For these families, Ronald McDonald House of Austin is a temporary home-away-from-home where they can have a comfortable room and bed, kitchen and laundry facilities, and a play area. They can draw hope and strength from late night conversations over a hot cup of coffee, sharing with other residents their experiences that may be difficult for family and friends back home to fully understand. A child’s life-threatening illness brings much more than worry and financial hardship; it is a family’s most heart-wrenching experience. While we cannot ease the pain sick children and their families experience, we can help lessen their burden.
To do this, the Ronald McDonald House relies on the love, sharing and caring of hundreds of generous donors and volunteers from the Austin community. We welcome you to the “House that Love Built.”
Ronald McDonald House approached SpryDev in 2007 to create a new look to their website. They had 3 goals in mind: to increase donor participation, to motivate volunteers to work with the charity, and to provide information to families who are interested in using the facility. SpryDev create a Drupal site using several modules like views, CCK, Image, and the PayPal framework. After designing the site and implementing several non-core effects, we created a dynamic donation form using asynchronous javascript. We integrated PayPal and Credit Card payments for donations. The site was launched in January 2008.