The Vineyard Voice
Platinum and gold sponsors

The Vineyard Voice — — is an online “monthly” issues and ideas magazine for Martha’s Vineyard and a community publishing resource/platform for communities undergoing change. Economic change on this island continues to uproot and destabilize families, and the community is responding in phenomenal ways. To help people share knowledge and to voice their own ideas there is a real need for independent community-driven journalism that reports in-depth on issues facing people here.
Each month The Vineyard Voice focusses on one issue generated by the community and directly involves islanders in the reporting and publication of in-depth stories around the issue. We help people publish by supplying the knowledge and tools to write, record and produce content that matters to the community.
We have two goals. Our main goal is to become The community publishing and issue-based news and information magazine for the island. Our long-term goal is to prove the technology and the process of engaging communities in this form of journalism and then to give the platform away to community-builders and to journalists in small to mid-sized communities — everywhere.
We welcome any conversation about this site and are glad to share our process of development and hope to hear from you. We look forward to meeting everybody in Boston.
Thanks to Jerad Bitner and Dave Burns of Sony BMG and to Shawn Priesz for all their work and to Ted Serbinski for his unparalleled assistance.
Patrick Phillips
Founder and Publisher