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Bevan Rudge

Platinum and gold sponsors

Bevan's picture
Bevan - Sun, 01/13/2008 - 3:59pm
First Name: 
Last Name: 
New Zealand
Developer, Engineer, Themer, Usability

Photo of Bevan RudgeI am a drupal themer and engineer at CivicActions working on, Witness Hub Map and other projects.

You probably know of me through my involvement in usability in drupal through the Season of Usability (SoU). I’m also very involved with the drupal community both online and in my local community in Christchurch, New Zealand.

My sessions:

I work from home and study computer science at the University of Canterbury. I enjoy mountain biking, snowboarding and geeking out with my MacBook.

You can find out more about me, my work and play, around and about, on that inter network thing:

Individual Member of the Drupal Association

Lodging Facility while in Boston : 
Constitution Inn
Financial assistance needed?
Financial assistance needed: 
I need financial assistance
Here's why I need help: 
Funds will help improve usability in Drupal by allowing me to dedicate more time to various usability projects. I am very involved in drupal usability through the Season of Usability ( and in the usability group ( I will also be attending the formal usability testing ( of drupal at the University of Minnesota the week before DrupalCon. I have been a mentor for a number of GHOP tasks. I intend to take part in GHOP and UMN panel presentations and also give 1 or 2 presentations individually. My recent heavy involvement in drupal and the community over the last few months has taken a toll on my income. I haven't been finding and doing the same amount of billable work as usual, and now my bank balance is breaking. I live in Christchurch, New Zealand, 14,937.40 km (9,281.67 miles) from The Boston Convention center -- so flights are expensive. CivicActions wants me to be there and are helping me out both financially and in other ways. However the budget I have from CivicActions isn't quite enough to pay for airfares let alone accommodation, DrupalCon Registration, meals etc. Then there are the bills at home that don't stop just because I'm away for 2 weeks. If you can't help financially, I am seeking accommodation in Boston from Friday 29 February through Saturday 8 March. I'm also looking for something fun and affordable to do the weekend before DrupalCon and would love to see NYC or sights in New England. Thank you for assisting in anyway you can! :)
Conference Resources
These fields are intended to help community members connect with one another and share resources. Please answer as many of the questions as possible. If you have suggestions for adding additional items, please post your suggestion in the forum.
I can provide audio equipment.: 
I am interested in sharing a cab or vehicle for traveling to and from the conference center. : 
I can provide a video camera for recording sessions.: 