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Help Keep Our Planet Green!
There’s a new website in town, and it’s green all over. Check out and learn how you can get involved with all things green—and earn valuable rewards, too!
Greenopolis is fun. Greenopolis is simple. Greenopolis is rewarding. Greenopolis is free! is an interactive, collaborative, and educational website that brings together individuals, communities, and organizations to make positive environmental changes for a greener planet.
As part of the Green Experience, you will be able to:
- Share green activities with other Greenopolis members.
- Discover lots of green resources for your home and your community.
- Earn “Green Points” to use offline and for savings with our green partners.
- Contribute to blogs and podcasts about green living.
- Blog with others who think and act green.
- Get access to members-only features. is a 100% Drupal site utilizing over 150 contributed modules, including customized modules for points, rewards, badges and more. Learn. Act. Reward. Together!
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