Platinum and gold sponsors
SolveClimate.com is news and information site focusing on climate change related news. Blog entries are added to the site and related to other content along 3 axis: politicians and candidates, constituency groups and major solutions to climate change. The goal of the site is to show that there is common cause amongst disparate groups of Americans for progress on major climate change solutions.
Help Keep Our Planet Green!
There’s a new website in town, and it’s green all over. Check out http://greenopolis.com and learn how you can get involved with all things green—and earn valuable rewards, too!
Greenopolis is fun. Greenopolis is simple. Greenopolis is rewarding. Greenopolis is free!
Ecoalign company site
The EcoAlign web site was designed by studio:module with a limited budget to position a new DC-based marketing firm as an upstart in an industry dominated by giants. As such, the site was designed to break a number of rules for web design and make a strong first impression for the new agency.