Virtual Kindergarten / Virtual Pre-K
Platinum and gold sponsors

The Web sites for Virtual Pre-K ( and Virtual Kindergarten ( were originally built in 2001 and 2004 as part of an early childhood learning initiative at the Chicago Public Schools. These Web sites work in conjunction with a CD-ROM application and video lessons that are available for parents, teachers, and caregivers for use in the home, classroom and childcare centers.
The Virtual Pre-K and Virtual K Web sites are home to bilingual information that helps parents make the most of their children’s early learning. The program addresses key learning concepts with a focus on early literacy and on math, social studies, and science skills. Each lesson pulls together low-cost activities in the classroom, at home, and in the community to reinforce the home-school connection.
More than 400 public school classrooms and public libraries in the Chicago area use the program, as well as the Dallas Independent School District, a consortium of Southern California counties, the Washoe County (Nevada) School District, and the School District of Philadelphia. The Virtual Kindergarten site was a 2006 Webby Honoree and CODIE award winner.
The two Web sites were recently ported into Drupal for ease of maintenance and future expansion, as well as addition of new features, including a blog.