Platinum and gold sponsors
Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis
The sites for Arts & Sciences (, The College (, and University College ( at Washingtion University in St. Louis are all part of a single multi-site Drupal implementation for the division of Arts & Sciences.
Virtual Kindergarten / Virtual Pre-K
The Web sites for Virtual Pre-K ( and Virtual Kindergarten ( were originally built in 2001 and 2004 as part of an early childhood learning initiative at the Chicago Public Schools. These Web sites work in conjunction with a CD-ROM application and video lessons that are available for parents, teachers, and caregivers for use in the home, classroom and childcare centers.
Adams 12 Five Star Schools District
The Adams 12 Five Star School district is located in Thornton, CO - just outside of Denver. Our recently redesigned district Web site is powered by Drupal 5 and serves 40,000 K-12 students and 5,000 staff members in over 50 schools. The site is integrated into our Active Directory, allowing staff to log in and update their respective sections of the site.
The Federal Education Budget Project
The Federal Education Budget Project details the demographics, finances and test scores of all 14,000+ school districts in the United States. It was built for the Education Policy Program at the New America Foundation — a nonpartisan think tank based in Washington DC.
Open University Professional Development
brass|Teacher Resource Center
The brass|TEACHER RESOURCE CENTER (TRC), part of the brass|STUDENT PROGRAM, is a place for high school teachers to create a community of their own, centered around helping high school students understand the money side of life.
Features of the TRC include:
- brass|MAGAZINE articles
- Downloadable classroom activities to use with brass content
- Student Program blog
- Forums to share ideas, news and support
- Ability to create a profile and participate in an online community of educators
- Student Program news, contests and photos
Romance Languages & Literatures
One of the important goals for this site was to represent each of the different language programs in the theme. This was accomplished by having rotating photos on the front page and in the right column on sub-pages. All images are tagged (using taxonomy) with the related program. Each page in the site may be affiliated with a program, limiting the side photos to photos tagged with the same program. For example, if an event is tagged as a ‘spanish’ event, only photos tagged as ‘spanish’ will appear along the side of the event.
MIT Media Lab admissions site
As first part of an ongoing process to redesign the web presence for the MIT media Lab, studio:module developed a microsite to attract prospective students and researchers to the Lab. The site includes video, rich media and an in-depth overview to the researchers and personalities at the Lab.
Dewey Tico
I have an assistantship at grad school, and for the work I’ve been creating an educational site in Drupal for my professor. He teaches 3D modeling and animation, and also wanted a personal site.
We used the Andreas01 theme (I had to make some adjustments).
We extensively utilize Organic Groups to separate classes out, along with OG Vocab - so that each OG can classify its assignments however they like. We’re also using Image, as well as CCK Imagefield with ImageCache. OG Resetter comes in super-handy, too.
Young Writers Project
This site represents 18 months of on-the-fly learning and development by a director of a non-profit. Premium has been functionality and reacting to what the teen writers wanted. Have had considerable help from Drupal community along the way.