Platinum and gold sponsors
Vintage Faith Church
Drupal sometime gets a bad name because designers have a hard time theming the site. It is true that you need to know more PHP than a designer ever wants to know, but if you get a good theme implementor, working along side your design, you can get sites look like this: Vintage Faith Church.
LUX is a cultural centre in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, offering a wide variety of events ranging from international cinema, theatre and debate to dance and music.
In renewing their website LUX wanted to
- enable LUX employees to easily enter event data, including dates, times, posters and trailers
- enable visitors to easily find out what is going on
- offer an opportunity for interaction and community building
The Rake Magazine
The Rake is an arts and culture magazine based in Minneapolis/St. Paul and is known for its storytelling, humor, style, and personality. Their new Drupal site has brought them great flexibility and ease-of-management, as well as improved traffic and host of other benefits.
You can read more about the website at’s Rake Magazine case study.