Showcase Contest Entries
Platinum and gold sponsors
Join the Drupal site showcase and case study contest by submitting a site and voting for your favorites.
There will be some great prizes for the sites and case studies voted best in each of the different categories so add your site now and don’t miss out!
If you would like to sponsor more prizes or help out with the contest, please contact Chris Bryant.
Line Rider

Community site for the hit game Line Rider with user profiles, submitted videos, rating, and extensive forums. It is a high traffic site with over 230,000 registered users in the first 3 months.
Young Writers Project

This site represents 18 months of on-the-fly learning and development by a director of a non-profit. Premium has been functionality and reacting to what the teen writers wanted. Have had considerable help from Drupal community along the way.
The site is designed to help us engage students to write, help them improve and help us publish their best work. What has happened in very short order is that these young writers have developed their own safe, respectful community. The energy is amazing. They’ve organized their own Winter Writing Conference, staged user presidential primaries and debates and, of course, established an energy and tone in which hundreds of kids comment on each other’s work each day.
We have about 2,100 registered student users (we screen users to ensure safety) who have, since September 2007 submitted 2,500 pieces to our Newspaper Series (five daily newspaper partners publish best work each week); an additional 4,000 blog posts — poetry mostly; 17,000 comments.
Other features: Other partners — radio stations, TV station, performing arts groups — also present student work; trained top college students serve as mentors and have provided feedback to about 1,100 young writers; students are reading and then reacting to RSS news feeds to the site in our newsblog and, most recently, audio stories which, of course, we call podcasts.
Keep in mind we only serve Vermont and part of New Hampshire, which is a tiny area — a pool of about 60,000 students, but we are getting about 15,000 student visits a month. We have participation from about 225+ schools.
Our basic design is simple — and does need work; it is a modification of a Roople Theme. Student users have provided and continue to provide us considerable feedback through several online surveys and the forums; they are particularly expressive in terms of functionality and features.
So the site servers our mission well — Kids are writing; they’re having fun and they’re learning. Cool.
The Vineyard Voice

The Vineyard Voice — — is an online “monthly” issues and ideas magazine for Martha’s Vineyard and a community publishing resource/platform for communities undergoing change. Economic change on this island continues to uproot and destabilize families, and the community is responding in phenomenal ways. To help people share knowledge and to voice their own ideas there is a real need for independent community-driven journalism that reports in-depth on issues facing people here.
Each month The Vineyard Voice focusses on one issue generated by the community and directly involves islanders in the reporting and publication of in-depth stories around the issue. We help people publish by supplying the knowledge and tools to write, record and produce content that matters to the community.
We have two goals. Our main goal is to become The community publishing and issue-based news and information magazine for the island. Our long-term goal is to prove the technology and the process of engaging communities in this form of journalism and then to give the platform away to community-builders and to journalists in small to mid-sized communities — everywhere.
We welcome any conversation about this site and are glad to share our process of development and hope to hear from you. We look forward to meeting everybody in Boston.
Thanks to Jerad Bitner and Dave Burns of Sony BMG and to Shawn Priesz for all their work and to Ted Serbinski for his unparalleled assistance.
Patrick Phillips
Founder and Publisher
The Pete Droge Online Presence

This site uses an early version of the AMFPHP module for Flash to Drupal communication, and custom node types for each bit of content.
Ads of the World

Ads of the World is a commercial advertising archive and community showcasing the best and most interesting creative work worldwide. It is running image and video modules.
The site has seen continued growth posing unique challenges in terms of performance and resource utilization. By carefully tuning the servers and Drupal, we handled this growth quite adequately without introducing complexity.

News site for the largest sport tv channel in Denmark. More than 50 new articles written every day, plus live scores for the largest football, handball and hockey competitions in Europe.
Integrated with Amazon Web Services:
- S3: Content uploaded from the site. ImageCache images are created from a S3 master.
- EC2: Created a push system so files delivered from the live score partner are online within 5 seconds.
The Whole Grains Council

Website redesign for The Whole Grains Council - a non-profit consumer advocacy group working to increase consumption of whole grains for better health.
The Whole Grains Council has achieved great success with it’s whole grain stamp, which was named “Packaging Innovation of the Year” in 2006 and is used by companies like General Mills, Kashi, Quaker Oats and Nestlé.
Our goal was to create a user-friendly space where consumers, educators, food service professionals and food companies could go to get involved in the whole grains movement. The site features in-depth information about whole grains, as well as recipes and a product finder to help consumers find products with whole grains.
A members only section allows members to download stamp graphics for use on products and submit their products for review and inclusion on The Whole Grains Council website. We also integrated CiviCRM to allow the Whole Grains staff to manage member information, and used Workflow to help the Whole Grains staff manage the membership and product approval process.
We welcome comments and are happy to share our insights into the development process. See you in Boston!
Samdperil & Welsh

Website redesign for Samdperil & Welsh - - an experienced Exeter, NH law firm.
Our focus was to create a more effective online presence to showcase the firm’s capabilities and qualifications, while achieving high organic SEO.

ListPilot is a company that sells email marketing and online discussion forum services. They needed a site to better market their services. It uses the book module for a community-driven “wiki” of best practices in the industry.
The Citizen Media Law Project

The Citizen Media Law Project is a place where citizen journalists (like bloggers) can begin to research the dark and scary world of the law as it relates to them. In particularly, Redfin worked to get two main aspects of the site off and running. The legal threats database is a collection of CCK nodes, each of which documents a distinct legal threat (i.e. a DMCA takedown notice, a threat to sue, etc) made against a citizen journalist. A citizen journalist can browse or search the threats for one which might have similarities to the one they might be in.
The Legal Guide is intended to provide basic information regarding the laws that relate to citizen journalists (i.e. “What is defamation, and can I be sued for it?”). Each state in the U.S. will have its own section on how the general law changes from state to state.
Center for Middle Eastern Studies

Redfin built a completely new site for Harvard’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies program (CMES). It has a resource scheduler, calendar of events, extensively utilizes views, and we are currently working on a member profile/search for members of the community. It has some slightly different themes based on which section of the CMES you are concerned with (their academic programs, their newsletter, or their community outreach center).
Dewey Tico

I have an assistantship at grad school, and for the work I’ve been creating an educational site in Drupal for my professor. He teaches 3D modeling and animation, and also wanted a personal site.
We used the Andreas01 theme (I had to make some adjustments).
We extensively utilize Organic Groups to separate classes out, along with OG Vocab - so that each OG can classify its assignments however they like. We’re also using Image, as well as CCK Imagefield with ImageCache. OG Resetter comes in super-handy, too.
The shared hosting provider doesn’t support ffmpeg, so in lieu of video.module, we created our own CCK node type and are theming “animations” to embed the video.
Ecoalign company site

The EcoAlign web site was designed by studio:module with a limited budget to position a new DC-based marketing firm as an upstart in an industry dominated by giants. As such, the site was designed to break a number of rules for web design and make a strong first impression for the new agency.
From a design point of view, it showcases the how far Drupal’s Zen theme can be pushed for a fresh, innovative look and feel. The three column grid was swapped with the main column being on the right. The layout combines photo collage with hand-drawn line work for an airy overall feel.
About Ecoalign
EcoAlign is a strategic marketing agency focused on the energy and environment space. Its mission is to align consumer behavior with energy and environmental needs for products, services and programs. Ecoalign evaluates, creates and executes alignment through a set of unique research techniques, insightful strategy and innovative communication approaches.
Early successes
Only two months out of the gate, Ecoalign is competing with the likes of Ogilvy and JWT for large-scale advertising and marketing projects in the energy industry. The company’s research is being downloaded and cited by other analysts and the business media.
The web site is positive proof of the power that good design, solid messaging, and the Internet can have on an emerging company.
Studio Module
Claudio Luis Vera, creative director
Alisha Haydn Vera, designer
Richard Roth, developer
Felix Arteaga, developer
V to the Tenth web site

The V10 site was designed to encompass every aspect of the tenth anniversary year for V-Day, a global movement to stop violence against women and girls. Culminating in a large celebration in New Orleans, the site allows the visitor to experience a snapshot of what VDay has grown into.
The site includes profiles of many of the movement’s activists, including Jane Fonda and Kerry Washington, an interactive timeline of V-Day’s history, a news room, and even a ride board to go to the celebration.
The activist profiles required the integration of numerous clips into video galleries which in turn were integrated with text profiles on the various activists — this presented a daunting technical challenge with integrating video, flash, and the content management system.
In spite of its scope, the V10 web site was developed in three months with a limited budget using Drupal, an open-source content management system.
About V-Day
V-Day is a global movement to stop violence against women and girls. V-Day is a catalyst that promotes creative events to increase awareness, raise money and revitalize the spirit of existing anti-violence organizations. V-Day generates broader attention for the fight to stop violence against women and girls, including rape, battery, incest, female genital mutilation (FGM) and sexual slavery.
Through V-Day campaigns, local volunteers and college students produce annual benefit performances of The Vagina Monologues to raise awareness and funds for anti-violence groups within their own communities. In 2006, over 2700 V-Day benefit events took place by volunteer activists in the U.S. and around the world, educating millions of people about the reality of violence against women and girls.
The site was developed by Studio:Module of Miami, FL
Claudio Luis Vera, creative director
Alisha Haydn Vera, designer
Richard Roth, developer
Felix Arteaga, developer
The team at V-Day included
Amy Squires, client lead and webmaster
Susan Celia Swan, public relations
Kate Fisher
Madeleine Gavin
and many others at VDay
The ({}) branding for the V to the Tenth event was handled by TBWA Chiat/Day of Los Angeles
HarvardScience news site

HarvardScience is a news site covering all of the scientific achievements and discoveries for all matters related to science at the various schools, departments, institutes, and hospitals of Harvard University.
The site combines news articles on hundreds of topics with photography, rich media, and video. The site also contains a directory of science at Harvard which provides background information on the thousands of researchers and organizations behind the stories.
HarvardScience is geared to the interested scientist as much as the general public and members of the media. The site’s rich media clips and photography provide content of general interest, while the links to related content are a gold mine of information for someone conducting research in the field.
Built on a small budget to handle a limited public relations role, the site’s rapid success has turned it into an important news channel for the innovation and research happening at Harvard. The actual volume of news stories in the site has turned out to be several multiples of what was originally expected, requiring a Page 2 with a spillover of the news stories on the home page.
HarvardScience is a publication of the Harvard Office of News and Public Affairs. It was developed jointly with studio:module, and Maureen Lyons provided her programming expertise for developing the site in Drupal.
Drupal Developer
Maureen Lyons
The site was design by studio:module of Miami, FL
Claudio Luis Vera, creative director
Alisha Haydn Vera, designer
Richard Roth, developer
MIT Media Lab admissions site

As first part of an ongoing process to redesign the web presence for the MIT media Lab, studio:module developed a microsite to attract prospective students and researchers to the Lab. The site includes video, rich media and an in-depth overview to the researchers and personalities at the Lab.
The site was designed to be as forward-looking as the Media Lab’s research into technology. The look and feel of the admissions is a ambitious departure from the boxy feel typical of most web sites, fully integrating exotic shapes with HTML in the site’s themes.
About the MIT Media Lab
At the Media Lab, the future is lived, not imagined. In a world where radical technology advances are taken for granted, we design technology for people to create a better future.
The Lab comprises rigorous research and graduate degree programs, where traditional disciplines get checked at the door. Future-obsessed product designers, nanotechnologists, data-visualization experts, industry researchers, and pioneers of computer interfaces work side by side to tirelessly invent–and reinvent–how humans experience, and can be aided by, technology.
The site was developed by studio:module of Miami, FL
Claudio Luis Vera, creative director
Alisha Haydn Vera, designer
Richard Roth, developer
Felix Arteaga, developer
The team at MIT included
Ellen Hoffman
Henry Holtzman
Jon Ferguson
Jeannie Finks
and Steve Pomeroy, Drupal developer
Chuva Inc. website

This is Chuva Inc. website, built upon Drupal 5.x, it’s a good case of i18n and corporated web sites.
The Rake Magazine

The Rake is an arts and culture magazine based in Minneapolis/St. Paul and is known for its storytelling, humor, style, and personality. Their new Drupal site has brought them great flexibility and ease-of-management, as well as improved traffic and host of other benefits.
You can read more about the website at’s Rake Magazine case study.
Nashik I.T City portal is the city portal of Nashik city of India. Website conduct several services for the people of Nashik city. Website also offer opportunity for publishing News and photos of Nashik, blogs, forum, e-commerce.
Romance Languages & Literatures

One of the important goals for this site was to represent each of the different language programs in the theme. This was accomplished by having rotating photos on the front page and in the right column on sub-pages. All images are tagged (using taxonomy) with the related program. Each page in the site may be affiliated with a program, limiting the side photos to photos tagged with the same program. For example, if an event is tagged as a ‘spanish’ event, only photos tagged as ‘spanish’ will appear along the side of the event. Pages without an affiliation randomly display 3 photos from any of the categories.
The site uses CCK and views heavily and Imagecache and Thickbox for the side photos.

Ourfernie is a community website for the town of fernie based in South Eastern BC. It receives approximately 900 unique visitors a day. In the 2 years since it was launched it has become the most popular site servicing the town of Fernie. It utilises the openresort booking engine to provide it with an income stream and provides a ‘fully’ functional forum which shows just what can be done with the Drupal forums module.
Martin Engineering

The Iona Group, Inc. is proud to announce the relaunch of the English language version of Martin Engineering powered by Drupal 5.x. Martin Engineering is the leading global supplier of systems to make the handling of bulk materials cleaner, safer, and more productive. Since its founding in 1944, the company has grown dramatically through the development of solutions to help the solids-handling industries around the world. Martin’s website receives around 1000 unique visits every day and is used both as a resource for employees as well as a selling tool and knowledge repository for potential and current customers.
The aim of this year and a half project was to restructure Martin’s information architecture, introduce new categories for another metaphor for finding Martin’s products, breathe new life into the site’s design to make it more attractive to visitors and move away from a home-grown CMS into a more robust and solid platform.
Improvements to site wide administration were paramount; Site administrators wanted full control to change any part of the site from the administration back-end, without having to use FTP or edit any compiled (Flash) code. Moreover, Martin uses their corporate website as a document library for tech data sheets, operator manuals, and all other sorts of product-related print material – around 700 PDFs altogether. Further, these documents needed to be able, but not required, to be associated to other content on the site.
Brian McMurray (bmcmurray) was the main developer for this project with support from Steven Merrill.
Read the full case study at

GoSleepGo is a travel oriented community with thousands of members worldwide that has quickly grown into an information source depended on by young travelers seeking out destination information that ranges from swanky, just-opened restaurants to caves and hiking trails. Users at GoSleepGo are as at home sipping wine at a gallery opening as they are swinging from a rope into a lake. By providing easy to use tools that allow users to map out their pictures, trips, and upcoming adventures, GoSleepGo is dedicated to helping young travelers capture the offline world with online tools.
The GoSleepGo Travel Directory provides each user with a personalized profile from where they can share pictures from their explorations, meet new friends and stay in contact with old, and research from or contribute to a personalized database of interesting spots around the globe. The locations database currently contains over 750 user submitted locations, each with detailed information, travel tips, and photographs specific to the area…all written in a casual, personal tone. Unlike many traditional online guides, offering limited and impersonal information scraped from phone books and other sources, the listings at GoSleepGo are fun, in-depth, and convey the same excitement that you would get from a friend telling you about a great new place they’ve discovered. Since the location format is open and original places are encouraged, the submitted locations are some of the most unique destinations online. Often times GoSleepGo serves as the location’s only online presence.
Browsing has been simplified with the introduction of our interactive map. All content types on the site can be associated with their GPS coordinates and then plotted geographically according to user defined options. This allows users to browse for exciting new things to do in their town as well as along their road trip. In addition to the locations database, thousands of personal user photographs, blogs, and messages, have been added to the site. Membership and use of the GoSleepGo Travel Directory and Tools is free and is currently accessed by over 700 visitors a day, most of which view multiple pages and areas of the site. Since the sites inception, over half a million users have made use of the Travel Directory and there are currently over 2600 registered users who actively contribute to the site.
Windows Vista for Beginners

This site delivers Windows Vista tutorials.

How To Do is a community sharing their expertise to solve people’s problems. After 6 months of specifications, migrations, Drupal module development, theme designing and beta testing, was reborn as a Drupal powered site. We house over 4000 unique member articles found in 300+ categories. We when launched the site, we were also one of the first sites to fully implement the Google AdSense API framework with 50% revenue sharing with our authors.

The DeltaTeam site was developed to provide a friendly, professional and easy to use interface for DeltaTeam clients. It is used as a first point of contact for new or prospective clients. It makes use of a number of Drupal modules, especially CCK and Views.

EQASRM provides an objective inter-lab comparison of clinical tests and laboratory assessments in the field of reproductive medicine. The existing business process called for the manual processing of individual results returned from labs, including statistical calculations and graph generation, followed by distribution of the assessments. This process was carried out on a quarterly basis.
Spoon Media developed a site to automate the entire process, allowing laboratories to submit results and later retrieve performance assessments online. Custom software was written to perform statistical analysis of results collected across laboratories, providing both numeric and graphical assessments.
Fremantle First Business Awards

The Fremantle First Business Awards celebrates the successes of businesses operating in Fremantle, WA. The event organisers, wishing to reduce administrative costs, approached us to develop a site capable of managing award entries and ceremony registration.
The resulting website allowed businesses to submit award entries by answering a set of questions defined by the event organisers, and businesses were able to save their submissions as a draft to complete at a later date. Award and ceremony registration payments were made through a secure credit card payment system.
The site saved the event organiser significant amounts of time and money, and provided nominees with a simple and effective method for application
Wyllie Group

The Wyllie Group is a family-owned boutique investment company involved in a range of activities including property investment and development, financial services and farming.
With a constantly evolving selection of investments, the Wyllie Group required an online portfolio capable of being updated by non-technical staff. The result is an attractive and up to date list. Press information being critical, Spoon also integrated a document management system allowing Wyllie Group staff to easily add new clips to the website.
Furniture Options

Furniture Options provides retail furniture to the public and wholesale furniture to interior designers and property developers. They approached us to develop an online catalogue, newsletter and a private section for wholesale clients only. Some of the features on the site include the ability to relate projects to certain products, and group individual products to show related items. The newsletter also allows Furniture Options to include any site content in their monthly newsletters. is India’s own social networking portal to connect with fellow indians based in and out of India. The feature requests for developing was huge and required flexibility to connect various sections of the website as and when required.
This made us think about drupal for developing the website and we are happy today after taking our decision. The site now has more than 1000 regular users and the number is increasing everyday.
The main features of this website includes
- Detailed User profiles
- Connecting with Friends
- Member Search
- Uploading and Sharing Photos
- Uploading and Sharing Videos from other Video sites (Currently supports Youtube, Google Videos)
- Blogs for all members
- Unique Rewards program.
- Inviting friends from your existing contacts (From Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, Outlook, Plaxo, AOL etc)
Features coming soon:
- Questions & Answers
- Business Directory
- Discussion Forums
- Communities
- Knowledge Center
- Sections for Men, Women, Kids and Teens.
- Personal Money Manager
- Moviebox (All happenings at Bollywood Industry) and lot more.
Tony is a local city guide for Pune, India. Main sections of this site include
- News
- Articles
- Blogs
- Videos
- Jobs
- Real Estate
- Restaurants
- Business Directory
- Events
Fresqui, a web with 100% Spanish capital, was set up in 2006 aiming at becoming an innovative source of information based on collective intelligence, and supported by new information and communication technologies, where news sent by the users could be collected. The webpage, which has grown steadily since it was launched, becoming a reference model as a European start-up targeting the Hispanic community, has an advanced news classification system, thanks to the use of intelligent algorithms which count every user’s vote. With a Code of Honour of their own, Fresqui’s priority is that everyone can express themselves freely, regardless of their age, nationality, filiations, cultural level, etc.
Based in Madrid and run by the young and enterprising Alex DC (27), Fresqui has managed during this first and half year of activity to gather 97,000 news items sent to the web by users and more than 4,150,000 references in Internet (Data from Yahoo).
Comparison between international similar sites:
We will happy for giving more information at [press -@-]
DATA - Debt Aids Trade Africa

Perhaps one of the most beautiful sites built on Drupal, is fully integrated with Drupal. We have not announced this site anywhere else, so the fact that this is on Drupal is new to the community.
The flash piece on the front page reads from an XML file that is spit out by a “Flash banner item” CCK type that allows for uploading the image, specifying the linkto URL, the actual text on the banner, and the order. The sliding blocks are a special themed block region and the JS it depends on is dynamic based on the number of blocks assigned to that region.
On the sub pages, the left hand navigation is automatically created based on choosing the parent menu item and assigning a weight on the Page type itself. The breadcrumbs are themed, and a field on the Page type allows for overriding the title used in the breadcrumb.
TinyMCE is cleanly integrated, utilizes the same styles and is set to the same fixed width of the site itself. Images can be uploaded via img_assist, and Flash can be embedded via the TinyMCE button/plug-in. The styles drop down shows relevant styles for the publisher to choose.
The “Did You Know” item is controlled with its own content type, upload an image and choose the order and the JS gets built. Print preview is cleanly themed, as are Search Results.
That’s the uber-quick case study. You may view some basic screenshots (plus some random screens of our Google Apps setup for another client) in the PDF referenced here.

Akagumo is a english and japanese multi-language site. The site offers free open registration. Users can create blogs, ask questions in the forums, post videos and view the photo gallery.
LA Flash

LA Flash is an official Adobe User Group that covers Flash for the Los Angeles area, home to over 3600 members, the group covers the best and latest in Flash, ActionScript, and Flash Video offerings from Adobe and third party companies. The site contains Forums, Blogs, Videos, Jobs, and an Event calendar.
The interface is a mix of Flex and XHTML/CSS, and there’s a book covering the development of this site and others like it. The site is built on Drupal 5.x, and is only one of many Adobe User Group sites on the Rich Media X platform (running Drupal).
Communication Initiative
The Communication Initiative (CI) has been working in the field of Communication For Development for the last decade. In 2006, we embarked on a redesign with the following imperatives:
- Maintain our list of 35,000 documents; regional e-magasines; 100,000 pieces of supporting information (author information; bibliographic sources; etc.)
- Organizing data by taxonomy to allow elaborate relationships between data and categorization
- Multiple content-types to accommodate different formats of online documents
- Granular control of user permissions
- Custom caching techniques to allow a lot of data to be presented while keeping server load and page load within acceptable boundaries
- An innately multi-lingual site
The site features:
- Support for 73,000 registered users.
- 1.8 million user sessions per year.
- Theming based on Taxonomy
- Top lists driven by taxonomy
- User registration enhanced with CiviCRM
- Integration with Daylife news service.
- Integration with the phpBB forum application.
- An import of our pre-existing legacy data.
brass|Teacher Resource Center

The brass|TEACHER RESOURCE CENTER (TRC), part of the brass|STUDENT PROGRAM, is a place for high school teachers to create a community of their own, centered around helping high school students understand the money side of life.
Features of the TRC include:
- brass|MAGAZINE articles
- Downloadable classroom activities to use with brass content
- Student Program blog
- Forums to share ideas, news and support
- Ability to create a profile and participate in an online community of educators
- Student Program news, contests and photos

This website is a showcase of the quality furniture manufactured by the Morris Furniture company, a leading brand in the UK home furniture market.
As my first serious venture into Drupal the learning curve was steep but I am very impressed with the power, flexibility and standards compliant code that Drupal can support. As a commercial website SEO is a key requirement of the CMS I used and I am pleased to say that the site has already been ranked by Google for a number of key words and has only been live since the end of January. I look forward to watching it climb up the rankings in the following months.
Some key features:
- Browse furniture by range name
- Browse furniture by type
- Browse furniture by finish
- Search for local stockists
- Download latest brochures
- ‘Lightbox’ integration allowing large pictures of products to be seen
- Blog to allow dialog with customers
- ‘Showcase’ facility to allow customers to upload pictures of their furniture at home (live end Feb)
- Secure area for furniture stores to download images/press releases etc
Thesis Asset Management

Open University Professional Development

intY Internet Security

Open Archiecture Network

What is the Open Architecture Network?
The Open Architecture Network is an online, open source community dedicated to improving living conditions through innovative and sustainable design. Here designers of all persuasions can:
• Share their ideas, designs and plans
• View and review designs posted by others
• Collaborate with each other, people in other professions and community leaders to address specific design challenges
• Manage design projects from concept to implementation
• Communicate easily amongst team members
• Protect their intellectual property rights using the Creative Commons “some rights reserved” licensing system and be shielded from unwarranted liability
• Build a more sustainable future
Who will the Open Architecture Network serve?
Architects, designers, engineers and anyone else involved in the building trades is welcome to share their ideas on the network - but the network is not just for professionals. Community leaders, nonprofit groups, volunteer organizations, government agencies, technology partners, healthcare workers, educators and others are also invited to collaborate on projects and share their expertise. After all if we’re to meaningfully address the challenges of building a sustainable future, we’ll need (a lot of) help from people of all walks of life.
What is our goal?
Far from replacing the traditional architect, the goal of the network is to allow designers to work together in a whole new way, a way that enables 5 billion potential clients to access their skills and expertise. The network has a simple mission: to generate not one idea but the hundreds of thousands of design ideas needed to improve living conditions for all.

Help Keep Our Planet Green!
There’s a new website in town, and it’s green all over. Check out and learn how you can get involved with all things green—and earn valuable rewards, too!
Greenopolis is fun. Greenopolis is simple. Greenopolis is rewarding. Greenopolis is free! is an interactive, collaborative, and educational website that brings together individuals, communities, and organizations to make positive environmental changes for a greener planet.
As part of the Green Experience, you will be able to:
- Share green activities with other Greenopolis members.
- Discover lots of green resources for your home and your community.
- Earn “Green Points” to use offline and for savings with our green partners.
- Contribute to blogs and podcasts about green living.
- Blog with others who think and act green.
- Get access to members-only features. is a 100% Drupal site utilizing over 150 contributed modules, including customized modules for points, rewards, badges and more. Learn. Act. Reward. Together!
We are hiring! has since 1995 been a leader in online content focused exclusively on outdoor adventure and adventure travel. From climbing to skiing and snowboarding, cycling to paddling, hiking to trail running, photography to travel, look to for definitive features, news, how-to stories and trip reports for every outdoor pursuits. Profiles of your favorite climbers and skiers and cyclists is complemented by live coverage via satellite telephone of Everest expeditions, and events such as Tour de France. Video and photo galleries complete the mix, while our social networking tools enable users to connect and stay informed.
We migrated from an in-house developed CMS to Drupal in the fall of 2007.

Health Industries Research Companies (HIRC), provides detailed research about current trends in the health industry to workers in the industry. HIRC’s research comes in the form of subscription-based, PDF files in 5 categories, so they needed a document library with granular user access control.
This site leverages a customized version of the accounttypes module and a custom file download reporting module to provide HIRC with detailed information about the use of their document library by their clients.

Machsomwatch is an established Israeli political organization which is made up of mainly mature (50+) women.
They create massive amounts of content which is fed into “daily reports” which are the by-products of physically traveling to the much discussed Israeli checkpoints and documenting the outcome of their “shift”.
By their physical presence they reduce the amount of violence or harm of human rights.
The challenge in this site was to take a very non technical organization and leapfrog them in to a web2 site featuring a google mashup letting you zoom in to the level of the lone checkpoint.
Movies housed and embedded from youtube, a massive flickr gallery which eventually took over the flickr embedding altogether.
The real pride here is the process the machsomwatch team have passed (I have one of the lead team members get adicted to pressing f5 and finding a fixed website - she tries it on other sites as well :) ).
The internal process and empowerment that was the result of the joint work on the site resulted on really cool situations (Imagine your grandma analyzing google analytics reports and having arguments regarding SEO with her fellow adult friends.
It’s a multi-lingual site (English and Hebrew) (using i18n) and is very interesting to read, look at pictures and learn about the Israeli occupation from a very personal and humane level.
Developed by (Known as Linnovate locally in Israel)
myPack and myTroop

myPack and myTroop are hosted website services for Cub Scout Packs and Boy Scout Troops. They provide non-technical users an easy method for creating a website and communicating with their unit members.
These services are based on Drupal 4.7.x multi-site and include the following extensions
- Integration with Plesk control panel for automated site creation and hosting management
- Integration with Mailman and QMail for email list creation and management
- Cookie based content filters
- Simplified control panel for Drupal
- Scout specific modules for unit roster management
With almost 500 customers based on a single Drupal multi-site installation, this service is a great example of how Drupal can be used for Internet Services.
The Federal Education Budget Project
The Federal Education Budget Project details the demographics, finances and test scores of all 14,000+ school districts in the United States. It was built for the Education Policy Program at the New America Foundation — a nonpartisan think tank based in Washington DC.
This site was built in-house, with very little in the way of real custom development. It makes heavy use of Views, CCK, and some thoroughly modified .tpl.php files for the District and State pages. Users get top-line data presented graphically, and can compare any district to others (either in-state or nation-wide) using the data points they choose.
I submit it here as an example of how much Drupal can deliver even when the “developer” lacks all but the most basic of coding skills. There are undoubtedly more elegant and efficient ways to tackle some aspects of the site — and we continue to work on those — but it’s become a very robust resource already. And aside from the arguments used in the district-comparison Views, and some truly simply PHP in the templates, it’s all done with Drupal’s “out of the box” functionality.
Adams 12 Five Star Schools District

The Adams 12 Five Star School district is located in Thornton, CO - just outside of Denver. Our recently redesigned district Web site is powered by Drupal 5 and serves 40,000 K-12 students and 5,000 staff members in over 50 schools. The site is integrated into our Active Directory, allowing staff to log in and update their respective sections of the site.
Our site also serves as a proof-of-concept for how Drupal can run on alternative databases (not MySQL or PostgreSQL) - we successfully added Microsoft’s SQL Server 2000 to Drupal 5’s abstraction layer. Some of the modules we were able to adapt to work with SQL Server include: views, ldap integration, CCK, webforms, i18n, nice menus, ldap auth, simplenews, IMCE, TinyMCE and sliced menu.
Other features of our site:
- bilingual support (currently translating our pages)
- 100% CSS based
- 100% SQL Server 2000 support
Thank you for considering our site and please don’t hesitate to provide your feedback!
Ronald McDonald House of Austin

When a child becomes seriously ill or injured, the whole family suffers, particularly if the loved one must be hospitalized or receive out patient treatment far away from home for extended periods of time.
To be together, family members often sleep on uncomfortable cots or chairs, sleep in their cars, or bear the expense of a hotel room. At a time when they want all their strength available, the simple demands of everyday life can seem overwhelming.
For these families, Ronald McDonald House of Austin is a temporary home-away-from-home where they can have a comfortable room and bed, kitchen and laundry facilities, and a play area. They can draw hope and strength from late night conversations over a hot cup of coffee, sharing with other residents their experiences that may be difficult for family and friends back home to fully understand. A child’s life-threatening illness brings much more than worry and financial hardship; it is a family’s most heart-wrenching experience. While we cannot ease the pain sick children and their families experience, we can help lessen their burden.
To do this, the Ronald McDonald House relies on the love, sharing and caring of hundreds of generous donors and volunteers from the Austin community. We welcome you to the “House that Love Built.”
Ronald McDonald House approached SpryDev in 2007 to create a new look to their website. They had 3 goals in mind: to increase donor participation, to motivate volunteers to work with the charity, and to provide information to families who are interested in using the facility. SpryDev create a Drupal site using several modules like views, CCK, Image, and the PayPal framework. After designing the site and implementing several non-core effects, we created a dynamic donation form using asynchronous javascript. We integrated PayPal and Credit Card payments for donations. The site was launched in January 2008.
Amnesty International

Amnesty International is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights for all. The organization has more than 2.2 million members and subscribers in more than 150 countries and regions and coordinates this support to act for justice on a wide range of issues. Amnesty International’s Project IMPACT involved a complete replacement of the organization’s website and CRM system, as well as the completion of a global brand strategy and the replacement of a vast document management system of over 50,000 reports.
For the IMPACT project, CivicActions worked with Amnesty International to create a Drupal interface that synchs with the newly adopted al Fresco document management system, multi-level publishing and translation workflows, a custom CiviCRM implementation, and a theme that maintains Level 2 accessibility in the four core languages of the site (English, Spanish, French and Arabic).
CivicActions completed this work in 6 month-long sprints, and continues to work with Amnesty to improve and enhance the features of the site. The site provides the Amnesty International Secretariat with a new set of tools, an open source CMS, and most importantly, a scalable and community-supported foundation to build upon into the future. is news and information site focusing on climate change related news. Blog entries are added to the site and related to other content along 3 axis: politicians and candidates, constituency groups and major solutions to climate change. The goal of the site is to show that there is common cause amongst disparate groups of Americans for progress on major climate change solutions.
To achieve the site’s mission, a CivicActions team consisting of project manager, information architect, lead engineer, theme engineer and application specialist worked with the client and a third party designer using Drupal and contributed modules to develop a visually appealing and well functioning site.
The site makes significant use of CCK, Views and Panels, as well as Node Auto Term and other taxonomy based features to pull together content consisting of blog entries, profiles, nodes describing solutions as well as candidates policy positions on those solutions and a glossary around the three axis mentioned above. Users can sign-up for the site and subscribe to email updates based on categories (via the subscriptions module, or simply subscribe to RSS feeds.
We are also using a variety of techniques maintain site responsiveness during periods of high volume as a result of social bookmarking sites like Digg.
The Witness Video HUB

The WITNESS Video Hub is a participatory website where anyone, anywhere can upload human rights related media that can be used to create change. The site features web-based video upload via cell phone and other mobile devices, content distribution, tools for online community building and advocacy, and Google maps integration with a custom-designed full-screen mode and switcher.
From a technical perspective, the WITNESS project required covering new ground in both Drupal and in third-party integration. Working with the team at WITNESS, CivicActions built a robust and full featured video upload, conversion (transcoding), and playback suite for the Drupal content management system, called Media Mover. With Media Mover at its core, the site enables users to upload and categorize video with a comprehensive vocabulary including both geography and issues. This system of organization allows users to find, watch and share relevant videos, and then join groups and campaigns around the world using the Organic Groups module.
Comprised of an information architect, a designer, a project manager, engineers, and themers, the CivicActions team has worked in close collaboration with Witness–from an initial strategy phase to beta launch and ongoing iterative releases. With its rich toolset, the WITNESS Video Hub feeds the populist shift toward user-generated content and increases the reach and impact of organizations doing human rights advocacy. is the website for the upcoming print magazine, JUST CAUSE. The website provides editorial content from the magazine and expanded coverage on topics covered in the magazine including directories of organizations, calendars of related events and interactive blogging for individuals, organizations and corporate CSR. This vibrant social network allows many voices to be heard, and facilitates civic engagement on a local level – while still linking people across the country around common causes.
The initial version of the site was built in approximately 3 months with a cross functional team including a Project Manager, Lead Engineer, Theme Engineer, Quality Assurance Engineer, Information Architect, Visual Designer and Application Specialist. The client was closely involved in the process from its inception and continues to be as new features are deployed on an iterative basis.
The site makes significant use of CCK, Views and Panels, as well as Organic Groups and a number of other contributed modules.
Free State Project

The Free State Project is an effort to recruit 20,000 liberty-loving people to move to New Hampshire. They are looking for “neighborly, productive, tolerant folks from all walks of life, of all ages, creeds, and colors who agree” to the political philosophy expressed in the Statement of Intent, that government exists at most to protect people’s rights, and should neither provide for people nor punish them for activities that interfere with no one else, and support the creation of a society in which the maximum role of civil government is the protection of citizens’ rights to life, liberty, and property.
In essence, this includes everyone who wants to cut the size and scope of government by about two-thirds or more. Put in a positive way, most FSP members support policies such as abolition of all income taxes, elimination of regulatory bureaucracies, repeal of most gun control laws, repeal of most drug prohibition laws, complete free trade, decentralization of government, and widescale privatization. People of this disposition may go by many names: “classical liberals” (not the same as modern liberals at all, but followers of Thomas Jefferson and similar thinkers), libertarians, paleoconservatives, constitutionalists, voluntarists, etc., etc. Most recently, this would include a majority of Ron Paul supporters.
Drupal-wise, the site was migrated from mostly handbuilt static content maintained by a single webmaster for a few years, with over 1000 pages, and some java based backend signup code for the membership tracking and statistics. At this point, it’s all done with Drupal, including more complex signup options allowing different membership conditions depending on the member’s own preferences. Development is tracking using source control, and the IT team consists of about 5-6 volunteers.

LUX is a cultural centre in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, offering a wide variety of events ranging from international cinema, theatre and debate to dance and music.
In renewing their website LUX wanted to
- enable LUX employees to easily enter event data, including dates, times, posters and trailers
- enable visitors to easily find out what is going on
- offer an opportunity for interaction and community building
The site makes heavy use of CCK, Views and a custom built playdates module, offering various ways of viewing the programme.
Movies offer integration with trailers and a ticket reservation system.
The site has a strong visual presence, with a theme varying slightly by event type.
The development of this site was a combined effort of Bèr Kessels, Jeroen Coumans and Gaele Strootman.
Dog Park USA

Dog Park USA is committed to the promotion of happy and health canine friends by advancing the awareness of responsibly maintained public dog play areas. Through the use of innovative new tools, we hope to broadcast new dog parks, and news about current parks, to as many dog loving people as we can. You are able to catch RSS feeds or even embed whole, constantly updating, regional maps into your own web site. New features will always be popping up.
Dog Park USA was formed because couldn’t find any good sites that were dedicated to mapping dog parks. So we split the work between editor and admin to create a good technology platform and fill it with rich content. The site is a testament to the leverage Drupal gives web site developers. Since we developed this site in our spare time, our limiting factor is time. Re-inventing the wheel is not something we want to do, and with the speed, breadth and depth of Drupal, its contributed modules and its great community, we didn’t need to.
Red Room

Red Room is the online home of many of the world’s greatest writers. Through original, author-generated content, offers a trustworthy and creative social network unlike any other. In the Red Room, you can connect with your favorite authors, access current news, and comment on features and blogs. By showcasing writers, fosters true community between authors and readers and inspires the next generation.
While anyone is welcome to become a regular member of the site (called a reader), Red Room only gives select writers the user status of author. Users of the author class are able to create an author page on and access a variety of content publishing tools allowing authors to easily maintain a web presence and a dialogue with their audience.
Many high profile authors including Maya Angelou, Amy Tan, Khaled Hosseini and Salman Rushdie have been on the site since day one. Red Room already has more than 400 authors participating and that number continues to grow each day.
iCitizenForum provides a platform for engaging a diverse audience to collectively explore the issues of citizenship in a relevant, contemporary context.
The website was built with Drupal 5. Custom blocks were used to expose navigation elements throughout the site, including navigation menus and lists of recent posts. A custom theme facilitates the website’s unique look and feel and applies both to the publicly accessible website and the administrations pages. The CCK modules were used extensively. The node-reference field type, combined with a custom block to display links as national flags, provides a means for associating and linking multiple translations to a content node.
The Seed Company

We redesigned to better communicate with the organization’s partners and potential partners by creating a compelling new look & feel, designing an approachable and intuitive information hierarchy, and deploying the website with a feature-rich CMS that provides efficient workflow and integration with internal legacy systems and authoring processes. The Drupal 5.7 installation features heavy workflow customizations to facilitate the organization’s pre-existing content development process, and is being used to manage workflow for print communications as well as web. The website integrates with internal systems to provide automated content creation and editing, real-time reporting on organization projects, and complete giving histories for investors.
Google Lunar X PRIZE

This site was built for the Google Lunar X PRIZE which is a $30 million competition for the first privately funded team to send a robot to the moon, travel 500 meters and transmit video, images and data back to the Earth.
Drupal was chosen for it’s robust CMS functionality along with the ease and power available to customize it. An in-house team uses Drupal to publish dynamic content across several areas of the site. The nature of the site also required us to create home pages for teams that joined the competition. We then had to create a limited set of content types that they could publish and edit for their own respective team pages.
The design and custom functionality is based on several modified template files that are used to power several specific sections of the site.

This site was the first of several sites by NRDC to be installed in a multisite configuration, as they migrate new and existing sites to Drupal. Original sponsors of the Embedded Media Field module, it was also the first site to launch with that module, as seen on its Video page.
NRDC is the nation’s most effective environmental action organization. With the backing of 1.2 million members, we protect human health and the environment by:
- Taking on corporate polluters and government indifference in court; We sued the U.S. Navy and stopped them from blasting the world’s marine mammals with deadly hi-frequency sonar.
- Helping companies and institutions see the ‘green’ light; We’ve partnered with Warner Music Group to revolutionize their music label into the greenest on earth.
- Making smart sustainable policies the law of the land; We ensured that a half million kids in California are getting tested for lead poisoning every year.
No matter what the method, we do whatever it takes to protect the planet - for all of us. Join NRDC - for as little as $10 - and sue the crap out of b-holes, too.
User Experience
The site combines a “Blog-a-Zine” combined with an aggregation of its parent organization’s Switchboard. It offers several features to help activists, such as downloadable PDF’s of environmentally friendly tips, current petitions, and current initiatives of the NRDC. It also has a listing of past victories of the NRDC.
A heavy media site, users are also able to browse its Video Library and other media downloads, such as music, podcasts, and screensavers.
Administrative Backend
As noted, this site features the Embedded Media Field, which means that editors are able to simply able to paste the URL of a third party video, such as from YouTube or MySpace, and the module will automatically parse and appropriately display the desired video, featuring it on the front page and its Video archives. It also uses a custom-built aggregrator to feed in content from its parent site.
The site also features a back-end for its rotating flash banner, so that editors may administrate that, adding images and text copy, and determining its animation features.
The site was built last spring in Drupal 5, and makes heavy use of Views. The site is heavily themed, with different themes for each section of the site. To this end, various page-PAGEVIEW.tpl.php files were created to easily handle the theme switching.
As the NRDC continues moving sites to Drupal, they plan to merge the user databases together, to give users a sense of unified functionality across their many sites. Since this is now part of an existing multi-site installation, as we Drupalers know, this will be a piece of cake.
“The Natural …Resource …Development …Committee? I don’t remember what it stands for. But I’ll tell you one thing. It’s kick-ass because they sue the crap out of b-holes. And I support it” - Jack Black is a web hosting company geared towards Drupal Professionals and for hosting their client’s websites and projects.
The unique thing about is that Drupal is what powers the hosting system. Custom Drupal modules where developed to automate and facilitate easy setup and maintenance of customers hosting accounts and domains.
The servers run Pure-FTPd which is configured to pull user accounts information from MySQL. When a new Domain enabled user registers at they get an FTP account setup automatically. Users can also reset their login information via their account at
Virtual Hosts:
Apache is configured to pull from MySQL as well for its virtual host configuration using the mod_shapvh module. This allows for creating new domains just as easily as creating any other node/content type.
Using the E-commerce module allows users to sign-up for an account and pay for hosting online and start hosting their new Drupal sites in no time.
Erik Gecas

This is an artist’s portfolio presentation site, for Erik Gecas, an artist in Nevada. Although it appears to be a simple brochure site on the front, it is powered by Drupal, making things easy for him to enter and showcase new work.
For the paintings pages, I developed and used the Views Slideshow module, which adds a jQuery slideshow to any Views enabled content (not just images, but also for videos, text, or any other kind of content). On the individual painting pages, I developed and used the Magnifier module, a wrapper for the (modified to work with Imagecache) jQuery image zoom plugin of the same name.
There are two content types: one for paintings and another for books. Both use an ImageField with Imagecache, and are used for the Views. The Views pages are created using Taxonomy views, with a taxonomy for the painting year, and another for book titles (since the books include several pages each).
The various full-page rollovers, such as for the main page and the books and paintings landing pages are created using CSS sprites and simple hand-written node pages. It does mean the background images are about 200k or so, but it’s worth it for the flickerless loading time on what would otherwise be three or more full-page image backgrounds. I like the effect, but I guess I’m a little biased…
Disclaimer: Erik is my brother-in-law, so I did the site in my spare time. But you should vote for it anyway, because it’s cool. And I did get to contribute a couple of cool and useful modules with the fun project. :D
Aaron serves the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, which covers the eastern section of Massachusetts, including the metropolitan Boston area. The diocese is home to approximately 77,000 parishioners in nearly 200 parishes.
The web site has 3 basic audiences: parishioners in the diocese, seekers who are looking for spiritual resources, and church clergy and lay leaders. The site is divided into a more public section which contains news and events from the diocese, as well as descriptions of the church mission and mission-related activities; and a section which covers governance issues which are of interest only to clergy and parish lay leaders (“Inside the Diocese”).

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) is a non-religious, spiritual community center, wherein individuals from all walks of life, including student and professional artists and non-artists alike, can realize their true creative potential. Located just south of Union Square in New York City’s East Village, its doors are open to anyone that needs help that they may discover that they can help others. This mission is based on the principles of A Course in Miracles, and especially on the idea that we are, fundamentally, spiritual and creative beings with limitless power and limitless ways of expressing ourselves and that all of our creations are the expression of universal beauty.
About Our Programs
In keeping with this mission, CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) offers many programs designed to provide people with an opportunity to remember and experience this fundamental truth about themselves. Types of programs include meditation, counseling, mind/body/spirit healing therapies based on A Course in Miracles as well as other kinds of holistic healing practices, art/dance/drama therapies, art technique and composition training, artist residencies, mentoring, artist services, and opportunities to present, perform, exhibit or publish. The Center maintains a gallery space and boutique in its lobby and produces a performance series (contemporary dance, butoh, theatre, video, clown, puppetry. music). In 2006, CRS began producing and publishing a catalog of spiritual books, CDs, and other literature.

There is an old saying that cobblers children have no shoes. After two years of developing Drupal sites for various pharma companies as well as some internal sites for our own development needs, we finally decided it was time that our company website be a Drupal powered, content rich site, instead of our old, out dated HTML only site that was running on IIS.
This site leverages all of the things we have learned over the last 2 years with respect to module configuration, development, and custom theme creation. It also is a place to showcase all our web, 3D, and other projects for our various clients. To that end we have developed a Flash based showcase RIA that is very similar to the showcase. It uses Flash, Services module, and custom services to offer up all our projects based on a very robust taxonomy.
The theme is completely custom built and starts with a generic theme that we developed in house and use as a starting point for all of our custom themed sites.
Note that this site is currently in Beta testing and will go live soon at
Popular Science

In February 2008, Popular Science, the fifth-oldest continually-published monthly magazine, relaunched its online presence with an enterprise-level website developed by pingVision, powered by Drupal.
Founded in 1872, Popular Science, the “What’s New, What’s Next magazine,” has witnessed, reported on, and evaluated countless scientific and technological developments, from the dawn of electricity to the latest innovations of today’s information age — advances that have shaped the way we live, work, play, travel, communicate, understand and interact with the world.
Prior to its relaunch, the Popular Science website used several disparate systems to deliver content. One of the goals for the new site was to provide a unified user interface while increasing usability and functionality. pingVision was able to use Drupal to meet Popular Science’s usability and functional requirements, while converting and importing several years’ worth of content from a Vignette 7 CMS and TypePad blogs.
pingVision also integrated several third-party services, including a fantasy stock trading system, video conversion and hosting services, and advertising. In addition to taking advantage of various contributed modules, pingVision created a number of custom modules, including the Drupal Markup Engine for content placement within nodes and Node Carousel for displaying content. The site was deployed on multiple servers, with additional caching handled by using Memcache.
(Case study coming soon. We will update with a link when that happens.)

RedBlueAmerica is a news-and-debate website we designed and developed for The E. W. Scripps Company. From the press release:
The site will serve as an ongoing public forum for a full array of user- generated content, including blogs, personal profiles, videos and more. While focusing at the outset on the 2008 election campaigns, RedBlueAmerica intends to provide the public with an open forum for a wide range of cultural and political views long after the votes have been counted….
With some extensive use of CCK combined with some fancy theming, we developed a site where a neutral article can be displayed along with two opinionated articles — representing the “red” and “blue” political perspectives — that address the same topic. Also added are blogs, polls, a custom poll section called “Truth or Not?” and some less obvious features, such as private messaging.
The traffic projections were such that we had to anticipate and prepare for some fairly robust traffic and posting activity on the site, so we spec’d out and configured an enterprise-level multi-server hosting setup. We did some additional benchmarking and performance tuning to bring the site performance up.
The not-quite-standard page layout, and targeted Doubleclick advertising placement requirements, led to some interesting challenges in theming, including separating the comments (labeled “thoughts” on the site) from the nodes (aka “posts” for readers not familiar with Drupal), which ordinarily would load in tandem, so as to pull them up in separate containers on the page. (We could only blame ourselves for any interesting challenges due to the design, since we did the design ourselves.) Also fun was coding up the custom voting widget on the main topics, which involved some custom image mapping tied in with the voting API, with some jQuery goodness thrown in for good measure.

Miami Herald Media Company has launched, a new interactive entertainment website with comprehensive information and listings for getting out and having fun in South Florida.’s up-to-the-minute information on local dining, nightlife and entertainment provides an indispensable guide to tourists and locals alike.’s extensive list of expert contributors gives site visitors a behind-the-scenes look at the most popular restaurants and nightclubs. Other features include celebrity interviews and best-bet recommendations from how to make the perfect Cuban coffee to where to shop along Biscayne Boulevard. Visitors can also search and compare travel accommodations powered by Expedia® without leaving the site.
Users will also have their say on what’s hot and what’s not with the social networking tools that allow readers to post their own reviews of venues. Registered users will also be able to upload their own party photos and create their own reader profiles. A user profile page includes My Miami, which displays the user’s favorite places to go in Miami, My Reviews, with all their restaurant or club reviews, uploaded photos and a personal bio. Users can interact with each other through posting reviews or writing messages on their profile page.
A sampling of’s many features include:
- OUR PICKS - Interactive Calendar on what’s hot and happening in Miami every day of the week.
- NIGHTCLUBS -Video tours, dress code suggestions and cost expectations. A special “Clink!” column will highlight a drink recipe of the week.
- RESTAURANTS - Editor and user reviews, cheap eats, hidden gems and celebrity picks. Searchable database includes star ratings, pricing and location of more than 800 restaurants.
- VOYEUR - Exclusive interviews with local celebrities and their favorite hotspots in My Kind of Town. Get the inside view of local celebrities’ beautiful Miami homes with video home tours brought to you by
- MOVIES - Expert critiques, movie times by date and location and film festival information.
- HOTELS - Scenester’s hotel guide, budget buys, family-friendly options and a hotel bar guide.
- SEE AND DO - Reviews of the best beaches, museums, and gaming guides, best public parks and recreation centers. Critics pick for music, dance and theater as well as feature stories on spectator sports, boating, tours and family activities.
- SHOPPING - Boutique of the Week, mall and spa directories and new store announcements as well as a beauty and fashion calendar plus shopping tours in South Florida neighborhoods.
- TRAVEL - Search and compare travel accommodations powered by Expedia® without leaving the site.
- REAL ESTATE - The latest on the home market trends and prices.
- SERVICES - Legal, wedding and medical advertorial section.
Buzzy Olfactive

Buzzy olfactive sells stock photography that visually communicates the sense of taste and smell.
Sharing Needles With Johnny

A web comic that posts issues and will be community driven.
What's My Deadline

This site is a “front” to showcase my work so that other companies can pitch me anonymously :)
Brian McMurray

The personal portfolio site of interactive and web developer Brian McMurray. The site uses Panels2, Views, Views Slideshow, CCK (Imagefield and Node Reference), SimpleFeed, and Imagecache as the main powerhouse modules. The site has a few custom content types: Project, Image, and Video.
Intuitive to manage, Projects contain the information about a particular portfolio project. Image and Video content are linked to a project via a Node Reference field. On project pages, a Views Slideshow block reads in the nid from the url arguments and uses it as a node reference argument to load all Image or Video content associated to the project. SimpleFeed aggregates recent blog posts from Brian’s blog, Drupal’s built-in story content is used for the “Portfolio Updates” area of the site. Imagecache handles all of the image resizing and cropping needed for the site.
The theme was originally based off Internet Services and then heavily modified and customized by Brian and keeps to the design aesthetic of his blog. The site functions and displays in all major browsers and validates XHTML 1.0 Strict.
Quebec Chronicle Telegraph

The Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph is North America’s oldest newspaper, and is the main source of English news in Quebec City. The original static website was revamped to allow community submissions of news articles, photos and classifieds. CCK and Views form the basis for the site, while the Ubercart and Premium Content modules allow for subscription-based access to content by assigning the appropriate roles depending on the subscription purchased. The newspaper publisher now administers all parts of the site.
This site has loads of regular expression solutions to every day problems.
Great testing tools, regex tutorials, quick starts, regular expression examples etc. A whole site just about regex!
We hope this site will help Drupal webmasters in site development process.
Zuda Comics

- Zuda Comics’ mission is to showcase comic artists, build intellectual property, and establish a “Zuda” community of registered readers.
- Submissions are open to both amateurs and professionals alike and afford readers an opportunity to read original comics, comment, blog and rate the material.
- The site embraces leading Web 2.0 technologies. Comic fans experience comics specially made for the Web in 4:3 aspect ratio screens, so they can easily read a Web comic installment without opening an additional window in their browser or excessive scrolling.
- Through the use of Drupal, the new site enables collaboration and innovation as well as flexibility to allow DC Comics to continue to enhance the site with industry leading functionality over time.
“We’ve partnered with [IBM] to help build the site, and they’ve just been tremendous. We looked at a number of different firms when we were looking to build this site, because we knew it was going to be an ambitious site … IBM, who people might think of as being the stodgiest and most conservative, came back with the freshest, most interactive and inventive ideas,” says Richard Bruning (SVP-Creative Services Director)., which TechMission launched in April 2007, is one of the leading Web 2.0 destinations for the faith-based social services sector with partners including Salvation Army, World Vision, Association of Gospel Rescue Missions, CCDA and many others. The site is an integration of Drupal, CiviCRM, Moodle and
The site has over 5,500 items of content including a Wiki for with thousands of pages of nonprofit resources and over a thousand workshops audios and videos on nonprofit topics from partner nonprofit conferences. Site media are presented using a variety of customized node types: videos can easily be embedded from YouTube and other external services, audio can be bulk imported from the filesystem and played on an embedded Flash player, book listings can be imported from Amazon, and both blogs and wiki entries can be easily composed using FCKEditor. Most recently, we added a jobs board using the Jobs Module which uses a custom CCK nodetype to present user-submitted job opportunities.
All the content coming from TechMission, its partners, and site users can be classified using multiple Taxonomy vocabularies. Partner content is presented in distinct themes using Taxonomy Theme. Taxonomy Access Control Light restricts access to members-only content.
Users can find content quickly by navigating through the Book hierarchy in our Encyclopedia of Urban Ministry wiki or by using the Faceted Search to drill down through the taxonomy structure. Links to both Faceted Search results pages and custom Views are used to present specific types of content, such as CCDA conference audio from 2006 or books on volunteering targeted at churches. Pathauto creates readable URLs for all nodes, taxonomy terms, and RSS feeds on the site. Users may also subscribe to our media through iTunes; we use Views RSS combined with the FeedBurner module to generate podcasts with trackable subscription statistics.
Our Drupal installation serves content up to other domain names, including,, and City Vision College ( Referer Themes change the site look and feel radically depending on what site users have previously been viewing.
The site provides association management system using the combined power of Drupal and CiviCRM. Membership in TechMission’s AC4 association and enrollments at City Vision College are handled by CiviMember. The site also provides Google mapping capability for over 2,000 nonprofit organizations using CiviCRM. New AC4 members, City Vision College students, and are also automatically granted accounts on
The site is also integrated with our online school City Vision College. Students can use a single-signon between the the Moodle course management system at and All major course content is available for free online through
Drupal’s flexibility and modular structure make it the ideal platform for a rapidly-changing community-based website like ours. From small beginnings, has quickly grown to become a central hub for TechMission’s programs, as well as a media repository for several prominent. The site has become integral to our mission of using technology to transform vulnerable communities. is the one-stop way to find all these energy and money saving opportunities:
- incentives, rebates and free offers available where you live
- businesses that match your needs and meet green standards
- other people making it happen, so you can join and share with them
- a personal account to keep track of your projects, incentives, offers and ratings
Drupal was chosen as the platform to allow the client to publish dynamic content across several areas of the site, maintain consistency among the section categories, use the community features and contributed modules, and to set up the framework for the future growth of the site including adding multiple account types and several workflow customizations.
The site includes extensive use of CCK, Panels and Views, with eight different content types. We also merged the profile content type, the MySite module, and several customized views to create an integrated personal account space allowing users to update their profile, track submitted projects in various stages of the submission process, manage all saved data records, and track any submitted ratings or comments.
The site was launched in February 2008.

Achieve Internet is proud to have been an integral part of the development process for the new business community site. We provided custom Drupal software development and project management leadership to deliver a world-class union of award winning journalism and online community. The site incorporates a professional grade content management system and editorial workflow controls, along with a full suite of cutting edge Web 2.0 applications.
The Achieve development team, in conjunction with Lullabot, created customized user registration and profiling ability. More than just allowing community members to build profiles, we extended the ability of Drupal to facilitate members’ ability to search for common interests, keep track of all their contributed content along with interacting with contributions of other users and editorial staff. With this expanded capability, offers business professionals a unique opportunity to collaborate with other business people and professional content creators in building a next generation business community.
Another piece of custom functionality provided by Achieve was to extend the Drupal RSS capability in unique ways. Community members of have the ability to send their own submitted content out onto the web as an RSS feed, they can also integrate various off-site feeds and ‘browse’ stories, blogs and editorial content from the entire site. This customized evolution of Drupal RSS capability is unique to the experience.
The new website, which was built by Achieve Internet, Lullabot, Advomatic and Tree House Interactive, expands the tool kit of today’s business professional, by giving them a variety of powerful Web 2.0 applications. These collaborative tools allow them to leverage the best of interactive media and provide access to a larger global audience.
Collections at the Art Institute of Chicago

The world-renowned Museum at the Art Institute of Chicago contains more than 300,000 works of art in nearly every period, genre and region of the world.
The newly-launched Drupal-powered Collections section allows users to explore over 25,000 works from the Art Institute of Chicago’s permanent collection online. This online collection provides basic information about works of art representing all areas of the encyclopedic collection.
Users can take advantage of the My Collections feature to create their own online collections of their favorite artworks. These personal collections can be shared with friends, students or teachers via e-mail or as a link on the user’s Web site, blog or page on a social networking site.
The Drupal installation is integrated with the Museum’s design-time content management system, Collage, which controls all global theme elements for the site, as well as the Art Institute’s proprietary digital asset management system, which is the source of all the artwork content.
Virtual Kindergarten / Virtual Pre-K

The Web sites for Virtual Pre-K ( and Virtual Kindergarten ( were originally built in 2001 and 2004 as part of an early childhood learning initiative at the Chicago Public Schools. These Web sites work in conjunction with a CD-ROM application and video lessons that are available for parents, teachers, and caregivers for use in the home, classroom and childcare centers.
The Virtual Pre-K and Virtual K Web sites are home to bilingual information that helps parents make the most of their children’s early learning. The program addresses key learning concepts with a focus on early literacy and on math, social studies, and science skills. Each lesson pulls together low-cost activities in the classroom, at home, and in the community to reinforce the home-school connection.
More than 400 public school classrooms and public libraries in the Chicago area use the program, as well as the Dallas Independent School District, a consortium of Southern California counties, the Washoe County (Nevada) School District, and the School District of Philadelphia. The Virtual Kindergarten site was a 2006 Webby Honoree and CODIE award winner.
The two Web sites were recently ported into Drupal for ease of maintenance and future expansion, as well as addition of new features, including a blog.
Indianapolis Museum of Art

One of the nation’s leading art museums in development of new media content, the Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA) is committed to using cutting-edge museum technology as a means to engage and educate its visitors. By using Drupal the IMA was able to elevate their Web presence with an innovative, non-traditional site that allows them to better communicate directly with their audience.
The IMA site includes access to over 64,000 pieces of art in the museum’s collection, which are provided through integration with their digital asset management system. Each artwork page features catalog information on the artwork as well as two sizes of image. A third, larger image is available via an Ajax popup. Users can also read and post comments and tag artwork using the open-source folksonomy system designed specifically for museums.
In addition to providing information about upcoming events, exhibitions, and other general information about the museum, the site also includes blogs and integration with IMA-produced YouTube video content.
Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis

The sites for Arts & Sciences (, The College (, and University College ( at Washingtion University in St. Louis are all part of a single multi-site Drupal implementation for the division of Arts & Sciences.
These sites provide faculty, students and staff with information about academic programs, student services and advising, school policies and procedures, as well as news, events, and a directory of school faculty. Each of the three sites has a consistent look-and-feel that also captures the unique personality of each school and its community.
The sites include profiles of featured students and articles about people and projects that are making the most of what Washington University in St. Louis has to offer.
The Worx Company

The Worx Company is an Oklahoma-based Drupal design and development firm. Having used Drupal for the last two years, The Worx Company re-developed their own website in Drupal to leverage it against the needs of their customers internally and externally. The Worx Company website functions in a number of different capacities. Previous versions have allowed customers to log in to see the design work The Worx Company has produced for them before the website is implemented. Planned future development includes integration of the internal Project Management System so that customers can log into the website to view the status of all their projects and tasks.
Additional points of interest include the fact that all the flash on the website (with the exception of the small flash header on most pages) is controlled with Drupal. Primarily this would be the front page flash and the portfolio flash. All instances of the Portfolio flash (both on the front page and on the portfolio page) are dynamically controlled by the Drupal administration system.
OLPC Users

I built this site to blog about the OLPC project and to see what Drupal 5 could do. The site is still rough on the edges but is usable. I will write a case study about the site soon.
What’s great
-Views + CCK + Panels = slice anything up
-Imagecache + ImageAPI = image handling is decent
-Spam + Captcha = feel safe
What’s not
-FCKEditor. TinyMCE, IMCE - painful to use. images in RSS…
-An elegant and clean way to upload and display an image gallery like Flickr, Smugmug, Zooomr. It must facilitate image manipulation, browsing and image reuse!
-Panels2 is buggy
-Fivestar throws warnings with view lists
-Drupal 5 (views, cck, panels, pathauto, imagecache, fckeditor, spam, token, captcha, advanced poll and many others) + custom scripts
-PHPBB 3 for BBS (Drupal loses to PHPBB easy)
Hosting by Pair networks

Americlaim is a claims adjusting firm. Most Insurance agencies outsource a significant portion of their adjusting to 3rd party firms. Americlaim is one of these firms. Since the vast majority of their offices are 3rd party contractors as well, their office map can change regularly. When Americlaim initially approached us, all of this content was static with an associated flash map that had to be manually altered every time an office was added or subtracted.
Today Americlaim’s website is a full fledged Drupal installation including a flash map that dynamically updates based on the addition or subtraction of office nodes. Office locations are placed on the map via the zip code field in the node.
Star Wars Artists Guild

The Star Wars Artists Guild is a fan site devoted primarily to the needs of players of the Star Wars Role Playing Game. Founded initially to fill the void that most gamers are not artists, SWAG entered into internet as an off-shoot of After a short time SWAG broke off and became its own site. Initial development was done with pmachine by Chris Curtis and Derek Jones. Some years later the site was given to Kris Vanderwater in the hopes that he would keep it running instead of letting it fall apart.
SWAG was re-launched using Drupal less than a year ago. Currently the site is made up of over 2300 member about 90 of which actually contribute art. The site drove the creation of the imagefield_gallery module (which was recently submitted to the Drupal community at large). Functionality of the website includes a rather active forums and blogs section. Blogs include the ability to add images which are displayed to the user in a nice lightbox2 style output. Image module runs the main gallery portions of the site. is an Asian pop entertainment site dedicated to entertainment news, events, fan clubs and community. has developed entirely through viral growth and is ranked in Alexa’s top 700.
Voyages Liberation

A travel subwebsite of the National French Daily newspaper “Liberation”.
Travel advice, photo sharing, travelogue etc…
MedTrackAlert is a consumer health information company dedicated to helping people better understand the benefits and risks of prescription medications.
We provide our members with important, time-sensitive news to keep them aware of new advances, adverse drug interactions, and potential dangers related to the medications they take. Our goal is to help you begin and maintain a fruitful collaboration with your doctors in the management of your health.
News is delivered through our Web site and e-mail newsletters. Registration for our service is completely free and provides access to our full archive, health management and assessment tools, and free samples from drug manufacturers.
Our team of editors and search experts aggregate, filter, and distribute information about specific drugs. We review dozens of articles on a daily basis to find just the ones that matter about the medications you are taking. In addition, we are continually searching for and creating tools that let you manage and assess your medications.
Site was developed in Drupal in about 2 1/2 months using some contract work and mainly internal programmers. It is now in the process of resdesign and addition of collaboration modules like groups.
World Cause Online

World Cause is a non profit organization that aims to promote education locally and internationally. The organization is the brain child of two highschool seniors, and the web designer is a senior as well.
By utilizing the Sections module, the site is arranged in two distinctive parts: Main Site and Volunteer Blog.
Flash is incorporated throughout the site and most noticeably on the blog section. CCK slideshow graces the frontpage which also presents a subscription (simple news) to anonymous users and upcoming events along with images to authenticated ones. The site utilizes the gallerix module in the blog, and also incorporates the signup module to help coordinate volunteer events. In addition, the donation module coupled with the paypal framework, has been incorporated to allow easy transfer of money. Video sharing is currently underdevelopment and will be launched with the organization’s new awareness campaign: IGNITION!
WEAVE, Domestic Violence Prevention Website

Over time, the first generation WEAVE, Inc. website had become ineffective in service to victims and survivors of domestic violence, as well as to its community partners and supporters. Based on outdated content architecture, technology, and graphics, it was difficult for users to find information and extremely challenging for the organization to manage content. In addition, the site’s design did not represent the level of professionalism and effectiveness that WEAVE has attained as one of California’s leading non-profits.
There were several desired, measurable goals which were driving the organization to improve its web strategy and presence:
* Increase in online donations
* Better search engine results
* Increase Newsletter signups
* Allow visitors to schedule a presentation
* Ask an anonymous question about domestic violence or sexual assault if reaching out to the organization wasn’t a safe thing to do
* Share survivor stories
* Buy tickets for events and fundraisers
WEAVE, Inc. needed to provide a way for survivors of domestic violence or sexual abuse to safely use the website and communicate with the organization without fear of reprisal. Digital Deployment created a persistent Escape Button which is available on all pages of the site and instantly takes the viewer to a different, well-recognized commercial website. If the back button is activated, the site again returns to the commercial site in Internet Explorer.
Since email can be a risky way for users to communicate with WEAVE, an Anonymous Question Board was created. This allows users to anonymously ask a specific question about their situation and return to the site for the answer. This not only protects the user, it benefits others who may find the questions and answer relevant to their own experience.
Digital Deployment performed aggressive SEO for the site, which now ranks #1 on Google for ~10 of its strategic keyword combinations, including “domestic violence sacramento”, “abuse help sacramento”.
Vintage Faith Church

Drupal sometime gets a bad name because designers have a hard time theming the site. It is true that you need to know more PHP than a designer ever wants to know, but if you get a good theme implementor, working along side your design, you can get sites look like this: Vintage Faith Church.
This church needed a website that they could updated more easily than flat HTML files through Dreamweaver, and one that would use an in house designer, with custom art an photography donated by the community. They also have a Drupal developer willing to theme and implement the entire site.
As you can see from the screenshots, we wanted to avoid the typical boxy feel of websites, but still make it highly usable for members and guests. The fly out menu provided by Nice Menus helps with the usability. The theme backgrounds shift as you navigate the site providing a consistent, yet distinct feel to each section of the site.
Besides the theming, there is no custom code on the site. GMap was used to a group locator, CCK and Views of course to create and display different announements, events and group content types. Audio was used to let different musical artists upload some of the custom creations. In hindsight I may have used on of the other Media CCK field formats (like mediafield), but no a big deal. Core Aggregator is used to combine many of the pastor’s blogs together and flickr is a great tool to embed our photographer’s image captures of gatherings, events, and shelter work.
We also used wymeditor, with IMCE, and a couple Panels (version 1) to round things out.

We Love Beauty is a fashion focused blog and online community. Conceived and fed content by the Thread Group of Santa Monica, CA and developed and maintained by Dig the Pixels, a small, Chicago based, open source agency. By using Drupal the site was built within two months and on a very, very small budget. Site maintenance and daily content is handled by two people on a part time basis. The community has grown to over 2500 active users from all over the world and currently handles an average of about 1600 uniques a day. While does not have cutting edge features, its a great example of small team with a limited budget being able to create an online community and share their passions with the world. An upgrade to Drupal 6 is planned in a few months and will include many new social features
New York Observer

The New York Observer, a prominent New York City newspaper, has relaunched its web site using Drupal. The site features a gorgeous visual design by Randi Hazan which pays careful attention to typography and whitespace. The Drupal craftsmen, Moshe Weitzman and Barry Jaspan, want to share a few of their innovative techniques with the Drupal community
Glamour Paris is the french version of the well-known Glamour Magazine, published by CondéNast editorial (Vogue, Wired, Architectural Digest and other magazines)
Glamour Paris found in Drupal a flexible app that helps the development on record time, even with the integration of external ecommerce solutions.
The success of Drupal was the creation of many custom blocks and 45 Content Types, some of them with more than 50 CCK fields and each one with a dedicated TPL.
Now, has 5M pages views…
This project was developed for RappCollins /DDB Paris under request from CondeNast
MTNOPS - Freeriding into the Future.

Built using many custom Drupal modules and functionality, the full MTNOPS site will be released to correspond with ASR retailer show in early fall 2008. As of now, the functionality of the site allows the user to view links, news and videos related to the snowboard community in an innovation way, while sending the traffic to the original site much like a portal. This functionality was built with CCK, Views and Themes, allow the end user to anonymously vote items up or down (Nods), sort by Date, Nods or Video content. The videos can be streamed directly from the links/news dashboard or you can simply click the video to open up the Thickbox effect to the original content. Much more is in the line up and already coded for the site.